In China, Something Disgusting is Coming Out of Fire Hoses! – Episode #166

This is probably going to shock you…

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Cartoon feat. Jüri Pootsmann – I Remember U
Track : Cartoon feat. Jüri Pootsmann – I Remember U


39 thoughts on “In China, Something Disgusting is Coming Out of Fire Hoses! – Episode #166”

  1. As said below the valve with the yellow handle is turned off so the upstream rotary valve would not produce water even if it were present in the system. Nevertheless the material and construction is terrible.

  2. It's sad that they are amazed that China has light bulbs on buildings. I wouldn't be surprised if those people are from North Korea. I bet they would be flabbergasted if they ever visited Japan.

  3. I'm the last person you'd ask about cars. Heck I don't even have a driving license or know the slightest bit about driving a car and whatnot. HOWEVER with that being said, I still know what the pump hole of a gasoline car's fuel tank looks like, and they definitely DO NOT look like a power socket. And yet here we are, seeing an "EV expert" saying that an EV car is a gasoline car..the CCP really thinks that the rest of the world is retarded huh? 🤣

  4. i seen a bullshit fire drill in usa where i went out the wrong door on the "Wrong side" and they were like this the wrong way your suppose to go this way going THUGH the building instead around! like WTF!??!

  5. The people saying it looks Cyberpunk are right. Even tho it looks cool it doesnt mean it is. There is a reason cyberpunk movies are often labeled dystopian. You are right at 38:00 that under the bright lights is the filth and poverty just like bladerunner and cyberpunk the poor get shit on the most. People wanting to live in cyberpunk worlds are missing whole point.

  6. When construction workers building the M7 motorway in Sydney Australia were laying the chinese rebar…….they could bend it their bare hands, despite it being 19mm thick. LoL at the EV fanboi……..they really are the most misguided fools.

  7. No one is immune to propaganda. Just look at the Russia/ ukraine conflict, People who cant even find Moscow or ukraine on the map have been radicalized to support either side despite it being of no benefit to them beyond virtual asspats.

  8. My father and his family lived in Hong Kong during the last years of procommunist regime. He came sway very disillusioned … I do understand that the communist government treats Chinese people much less than well …. As well my cousin was murdered in much the same manner … we think by a hired hit by her ( now deceased husband ) that you describe …

  9. Just looked up the Philips cdi…….. you're on drugs🤣🤣🤣 better than n64………. had a quick look through the games list on Wikipedia the only game I could remember was defender of the crown tat I played on the commodore 64

  10. You're awesome you're shows so good but I'm sorry to tell you this it's called fair use people are allowed to use other people's content as long as they declare fair use I think people should ask each other's permission to use each other's content it's just a sign of respect but people could give a s*** anymore though still your content and call it there's how pathetic

  11. I've seen so many videos of people left to suffer on the sidewalk as droves of people ignore them in CN. I couldn't comprehend it then but I came to an understanding that in CN it's just the way it is. It must be a liability thing where if you help someone you are liable for their medical costs in some backwards way. Commenters call their people soulless golems but I've never interacted with a CN national.

  12. I super appreciate and support the mission here BUT given the information is seemingly legit, with video and personal experience- I gotta question the choice of click -baity titles? Something GROSS? I kept waiting to be grossed out lol and I get it really but as a somewhat intelligent discerning viewer I can't pass by after a complete watch without asking if there can be some acknowledgement for the hook and reel title. I mean I stay for the entirety and not for the bait so I guess nvm lol you did the trick … Maybe I'm just mad I fell for it?

  13. China is behaving like the russians, Matrovska, Potemkin, it's all a show, with rampant corruption.
    In the West we are being infiltrated by temu, tiktok, etc.
    Chinese have no regard for copyrights…

  14. Could you please do some more shows about South Africa? It’s the first authentic show I have seen. Especially as I will visit SA next year. Also great to watch your china show. Thanks again

  15. Alabama, is anything but nice. horrible bugs, there's alot of segregated/gatekept areas. There's a forr sure poor/middle/high class areas. The envornmonit is pretty nice, but again you've got to deal with the rest.


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