In A World Where Future Technology Has Gone Too Far

TV Series: BlackMirror:WhiteChristmas 2014

Joe and Matt live together in an outpost after being shunned from society. Despite living in one cabin for five years, they only get to know each other on a snowy day during Christmas. To their surprise, they both have their fair share of horrible crimes.

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34 thoughts on “In A World Where Future Technology Has Gone Too Far”

  1. The cops at the end are even more cruel … and stupid. The AI inside the box is not responsible for that the real criminal did. If the AI is sentient, then the cops are guilty of the highest crime.

  2. From the first day I watched this I still dont understand what the guy did wrong? He witnessed a murder but other than that what was he doing that was so wrong that it prompted the police to think he needed to be blocked from society for life?

  3. Any woman who cheats on her husband and have another man's child, should face the ultimate punishment. Western countries are decaying faster than a yellow banana because they allow their women to do these crimes without being properly punished. The more severe punishment they get for committing the ultimate crime, the less they'll try to commit the crime. SUBMIT TO ALLAH!

  4. Do they make a artificial copy of a person. (Against their will). Torture it to get what they want. Then punish both the copy, and real person?
    In both cases it was not premeditated murder.
    First they were unwilling participants. They should have called EMS, Police and they would have been guilty of nothing.
    Joe. It was a crime of passion, a emotional overload response. With no intention of girls accidental death. Temporary insanity MIGHT apply.

  5. This episode broke me. If anyone hasn’t actually watched it for real I recommend doing so. Same with San Junipero, Hang the DJ, Shut up and Dance, and USS Callisto. Or whatever it is.

  6. A zet eye? Really? The most useless device. Like imagine if your partner decided to change their phone numbers or rearranged the whole kitchen or even every channel on TV. Would you waste all that time blocking your dude or just ask them?
    If they stopped paying the electric bill or down payment on the house, do you think and email or a message would just be enough?

    I don’t think you can survive with that firewall eye when you can just see the person and feel then walking around you every day.

    Like imagine if they suddenly the person you blocked suddenly started to forget to pick up the bear trap in front of your room. Judge would’ve like: so did you talk with your partner to pick up the bear trap? Did they say they would?

    Also I am pretty sure that this is dehumanizing. Using a device to censors someone in real life is basically refusing to treat them as human beings any more.

  7. Harsh punishment on both ends.
    First guy wasn’t at fault, police should have been called. And to make him live a life without human contact just awful. Second guy was wrong but his punishment shouldn’t be that extreme also it wasn’t his fault for the child dying smh.
    And if those were their punishment, what was a child predator or serial killers punishment wtf.

  8. Mannnn…. If I experienced 1000 years in a minute, I'd learn everything possible while finding a way to edit the code. Then with a few thousand years of extra knowledge, I'd replicate myself into a virus to take full control of the electronic system, and by extension, the world 😈

  9. Beth ain't shit… That bitch deserved to die in a plane crash.. and he want wrong. Imagine you think you have a daughter to find out she cheated. All she had to do was leave him after she cheated or tell the fuckin truth… Like that's why I hate this show sometimes because that's just Ludacris.. how is he wrong… That'd fuck any man up… Like I don't understand how we love in a world were women can just fk up and it's okay but men have to be accountable for everything.. I know I'm going deep but I know what it's like. My BM got my kids put in DHS custody. Tried to kill herself and my kids.but guess who has to take classes now and ain't allowed to see his son… While this bitch has full visitation because they feel sorry for the bitch. But I can't see my son because they think I'm not safe because I'm a felon and they had her put a p.o. on me.. but has the nerve to allow me to see my daughter which still doesn't make any fuckin sense… Like if your a man in this world especially non black, when it comes to women good luck… You gone need that shit…

  10. The only victim here is the Joe guy. He has to go through the bad end of everything, bad relationship, deprived parenthood, and finally be exploited by technology wielded by wicked people.


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