I'm in funtasia for the first time feel free to roleplay if you want to (no haters allowed)

everything belongs to they’re owners…..


3 thoughts on “I'm in funtasia for the first time feel free to roleplay if you want to (no haters allowed)”

  1. Meanwhile inside his house… Greg giraffe: I can’t believe that we lost another member of almost 934 characters…well at least she’s in a better place now…mammothme2023:I know…I just tried to keep sweetie belle from quitting YouTube and look where it leaded her now!…”gets hand from coach pickles”C.pickles:cbby1? I can handle this feeling for better off good! But we all need to learn that we can’t keep holding on to our characters that we love and care about!…but we can’t let it happen again a 3rd time! Now what would sweetie belle say if she saw you feeling bad for yourself? 🤨🤨🤨🤨mammothme2023:she would probably say to move on and focus bright on the future in one hand? But her ghost on the other hand would say that she still misses me after what she did! I think the right hand is saying to make me tell sweetie belle to move and watch her baby and focus on her babies future for 2024!…but I guess that you were right coach pickles…sweetie belle cares about us just like minkie pie did!…thanks coach pickles!…I feel better now that the baby pony version of sweetie belle will take nine hundred and nineteen’s place…harrystickmen:wait! What about the numbers of counting you haft to do? mammothme2023:Harry? I decided to let an AI computer do all the work and research for when I get someone’s name birthdate theme and dimension that the character lives in my house…but just to be warned and safe and clear? AI from what I learned and can understand? Could be dangerous…but for now? I want you guys to meet me up on the 333rd floor of where the church is located!…so you guys on 10/29/23!… see ya!…


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