I'm done with the music industry… Chit Chat + Life Update 2024 | Emaza Dilan

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32 thoughts on “I'm done with the music industry… Chit Chat + Life Update 2024 | Emaza Dilan”

  1. just came across you and loveeeee your mindset. i love that you have such a big platform, and are using it to speak up! May you continue to succeed with boldness and beauty! <3

  2. You better bring your tour to Australia!!! 😆 and you definitely are teaching this to right people.. including me! I love you Emaza, we have the same wishes dreams and morals! In Jesus name amen I pray nothing but good things for you and your future and family! God bless you! Xo 🥰🙏🫶🏽✨

  3. Wow, miss you use to watch the whole fam. I think all the sernereios with the sisters may was bit of a sign not to go into the industry. But two each it's own miss yall together my yall were my teen hood lol❤ wow wow wow

  4. Reach out to Marcus Rogers. He’s a preacher and gospel rapper. You need to surround yourself with strong Bible-believing Christians along this journey and since he’s in a similar line of work as you (an artist and Youtuber), I think he’d be a good contact for you.

  5. Girl, I feel you I had those moments with my business with people but you know what get closer to God make music for God get out of that industry you know it not for you God did it for a reason to take you out you did what you did ”We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose. God planned that those he had chosen would become like his Son. In that way, Christ will be the first and most honored among many brothers and sisters. And those God has planned for, he has also appointed to be saved. Those he has appointed, he has made right with himself. To those he has made right with himself, he has given his glory.“
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ ‭

  6. Im so glad the truth coming out about the industry that WE BEEN KNEW. My brother went thru literal hell signing a contract hes been thru stuff i cant even fanthom. God gon have the final say tho

  7. I stopped getting angry and wishing ill on evil people. God doesn’t wish that for us. It mars our souls. We may feel these people are winning in this life. But they will pay the ultimate price in the end. Justice will be served for eternity. May God bless you for your bravery❤ 🙏🏻

  8. I’m high functioning autistic I graduated with a 4.3 . I don’t understand how anyone could possibly be in the circle and not be the same. Clearly you aren’t because you left. It is just a demonic circle of people that are soulless because they sold it

  9. I just commented on your diss track. If you really out here saying your fighting for Christ? Just know you’re JUST as SATANIC if you’re cussing and stuff like that and calling people b*** and hoes.

    No judgment cause obviously you’re a babe in Christ. But please know God isn’t just a feel good relationship. God will guide you but you need to live for him. Cause right now you’re lukewarm.

    And that’s fine because you’re growing and I get that… But at LEAST you should know you’re lukewarm

    Just because your streams is blowing up and you’re getting attention doesn’t mean it’s from God? God will not be mocked. Blessings that you think are blessings are not from God if you’re contradicting Gods holy word.

    I’ll be the one to say it cause I’m not afraid of the words of man. This world is going to get crazier and this is NOT the time to play around and not take him seriously. The devil doesn’t need you to worship him… he just needs to get you confused and not serve God in truth.

  10. Yo! I thought you fell in 😂 where you been at 🤔 I know Paris fashion week 🤔 you know it’s been a while but welcome back and good luck with the channel now……………….let’s see if you’ll stay for a while 🤔 you know a lot of people that you started with channel’s are at like 4 million subscribers +🤔 there’s no doubt in my mind that if you had “stuck with it “ you’d be in the same position 100% but to each their own 🤔 ima stick around to see if you tell us that you were in a secret relationship with a alien and have a kid named XMAZA (pronounced – zee maza) that no one knows about 👍🏾 you know stuff like that 🫡


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