i'm back lmao

No sexual harassment
No Self Promotion
Be nice (insert woodman “nice” here since apparently adding it in the description is a bracket apparently)
No asking to be my friend
No asking to join the call
No drama
No Spamming (especially you, Salvage)
No asking for shoutouts
Don’t complain about the lag. I will know when it’s laggy or not.
No impersonating other people.
No asking for certain FNF mods to be played again unless they got updated HEAVILY

My Social Media:

Discord Server




Chief Lefty’s Henchmen Casting Call

Other things casting call:

Things I should mention:
Wifi: If the stream acts up, then that means I lost connection because the WiFi here sucks.

FNF mods: I’ve had people in the stream chat requesting mods I’ve already done, which in my opinion is annoying. So I’ll be having my moderators (myself included) remove chat messages that constantly request stuff I’ve already done. I’ll only make an exception for certain mods if they’ve gotten an overhauling update/if I’ve made something for (insert mod here) that’s Furry Night Funkin’ supported that I haven’t done. I’ll also be avoiding mods that are either too difficult (there will be some exceptions) or mods who’s creators have gone through quite some controversies that I know of and thoroughly will not get the support by me playing the mod (For example, the Beach Brother mod if it ever gets an update).

“Before the incident”: In the story for Furry Night Funkin’, Boyfriend gets hospitalized thanks to Nik’s creation, the Austism, continuously beating the shit out of him. Since Corby has basically been in every mod so far, I’d thought it be fair to see what BF’s gone through before the incident. (For real tho, the actual reasoning for this thing to exist is mainly cause of certain mods. For instance, the Kapi mod doesn’t allow you to edit the dialogue for some reason, plus a new animation for BF which would mean I would have to dedicate a lot of time into repositioning Corby into the spritesheet while also giving him is own “nyaw” animation. Another example is the “Blue balls incident” mod where BF has a few different assets for certain songs, with those assets being normal BF, a pretty blue BF, and a glitchy BF. One more example is the Sasha mod. Like with Tabi, it features voice acting which isn’t that bad in my opinion. UNLIKE Tabi however, you can’t really disable the voice acting, so it would just look weird if it was just Corby speaking/acting like BF.)


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