If your TV bias was as Beloved as other Biases

Alternate title, “If your Bias was a rock star” (But I have no intention of giving praise to the celebrity life…even with the current title, but what else do you call it?) I barely pay attention to celebrities these days.

I almost uploaded this with a midi of Justin Timberlake’s ‘Senorita’ but then I remembered that even midi’s get copyright claims, so stock music from Clipchamp it is!

This took longer than I imagined. I’m too detail oriented. These videos are NOT as easy to make as they seem, especially when the program freezes multiple times. It’s probably more TikTok coded, but eh, no one knows me on here and I like it like that. Sorry not sorry for my obsession of Tuvok. ^_^

Stupid as mess, but I plan on doing more of these. Just have to find more concert screams to fit the aesthetic. I feel a tiny bit bad, but what’re people gonna do? Sign waivers for their voices? Also, the band ‘Dream’ disbanded like 584993 years ago. Enjoy, Trekkies! Also, I own nothing, this is just for entertainment purposes!!

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