If you move left you ******* explode

no left turns…

My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kaaylive
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaayLive

The mod: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3115980593

funny mod I saw and thought could be a silly little video. Let me know if you want more small spontaneous vids on mods and stuff like that.


Rain World is a 2017 survival platform game developed by Videocult and published by Adult Swim Games for PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows in March 2017, and for Nintendo Switch in late 2018. Players assume control of the “slugcat”, an elongated felid-like creature, and are tasked with searching for the creature’s relatives in a derelict and hostile world.

The game features a simulated ecosystem. The slugcat uses debris as weapons to escape enemies, forage for food, and reach safe hibernation rooms before a deadly torrential rain arrives. The player is given little explicit guidance on how to survive, which was the intention of the developers, who wanted players to feel like a rat living on subway tracks, in which they learn to survive in an environment without grasping its higher-level function.

and other awesome keywords… etc. etc. you get the gist.

#rainworld #downpour #modded


10 thoughts on “If you move left you ******* explode”

  1. I made it to chimney with this mod on, it's actually a really fun challenge if you turn off creature spawns. I learned some completely useless tech along the way such as reverse throw boosts that slow you down instead of speeding you up. If I can find a way to turn left at the corner of a pipe and enter the floating left facing pipe in chimney I can make it all the way to pebbles


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