If The Drone Didn't Capture This, No One Would Believe It

When it comes to filming, drones have changed the game yo! Thanks to drones, we can explore corners and scale heights previously unfilmable. As a result, drones have captured some interesting stuff. And some of it is a little chilling! These are the 20 scariest things caught by drones!

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33 thoughts on “If The Drone Didn't Capture This, No One Would Believe It”

  1. C'mon bro the first one with the clown 🤡 in a corn 🌽 field was obviously staged…I mean if you lived in a 🌽 field you'd be bored doing corny 🌽 💩 to..pun intended lol

  2. NO mystery here .The second one I’ll bet was spotted around 2:00 AM . That’s clearly a CRACK HEAD scamming around looking for some scrap to steal. You can spot those regularly.

  3. Now Big Foot was definitely breaking some trees, he does that to signal his location to drones so they can get better photos of him .We just need better drone opperaters. The FOOT Lives.

  4. Crop Circles : made for cheep well be finished by sunrise or it’s free. Maybe the drone could watch as we make some circles witch ever they want. It’s all good.

  5. The image of what many are calling the “Werewolf, Wolf-man, Dog-man” all have a very similar characteristic indicative of someone in costume: what’s with the “white gloves” it’s wearing? 😜 The hind legs have three distinct joints between the thigh, calf, and a “third unnatural” lower leg being more than likely some sort of a prosthesis: have you ever seen any such configuration in the natural world? More importantly, who’s responsible for promoting this fear mongering agenda especially concerning encounters in National Forests and other wooded areas across America and other parts of the world? 🤨 QUESTION EVERYTHING: What Is The Truth (WITT)??? 🤔
    GYHOOYA: OYE!!! 😖🤬🙄

  6. Crazy but Colorado has set up actual laws against using drones period! I tried using mine at above private lake and within 15minutes had Sheriffs contact me for the footage and PO were going to fine me but luckily I had just bought it for my son and did not install the camera yet so we got warned instead! I didn’t know drones are illegal due to privacy laws in Colorado and I’m a native here. Be safe guys.

  7. That "farmer" that shot down the drone has hundreds of thousands of dollars in cars in the driveway along with a water drainage tunnel passing underneath his house. Don't think his farming is of the purely legal type. Hence his anger at cameras.

  8. The police drone image was one of
    a man running in water. Probably during a rain storm. A second look shows you his strange legs are just a case of pareidolia. His legs are reflected in the water.


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