IF Langrisser And Fire Emblem were Mashed together | Symphony Of war

so symphony of war is made by the same developer as the iron order which i played recently on the channel and to be honest I’m a huge fan of both fire emblem and of langrisser and this game kinda combines both you have hte RPG elements and army elements from both series as well as the story progression from fire emblem and to be honest they both combine pretty well and i hope you enjoy the video thanks for watching!

Title: IF Langrisser And Fire Emblem were Mashed together | Symphony Of war


4 thoughts on “IF Langrisser And Fire Emblem were Mashed together | Symphony Of war”

  1. hey thanks for stopping by its been a slow month for games especially since diablo immoral turned out to be such a disappointment ill be looking for something that's more of my casual play style soon


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