If Chinese Pray, Then Nigerians Should Worship Chinese Gods

#DaddyFreeze #FreeTheSheeple #FreeNation


12 thoughts on “If Chinese Pray, Then Nigerians Should Worship Chinese Gods”

  1. Chinese dont pray, they are Taoism, that is you believe in yourself,the chinese believe there's no God but if the chinese is a christian or muslim,they may as well do the same thing the christian and muslim are doing,,that is their normal prayers as a christian or a muslim,but outside that,the chinese dont pray,because they dont believe in God.

  2. Hi Daddy Freeze I respect you so much because of your honesty teaching.
    I'm a Nigerian living
    in Sydney Australia.
    China is like a second home to me.
    I always travel to China from Australia.
    I was doing business in China with some Chinese people.

    About 10 years ago when I first travelled to China.
    I was so surprised when I arrived in China asking my hosts to take me to a Church in their City.
    Could you believe that my business Chinese partner did not know the meaning of Church.
    The Chinese people were telling me that Church and Christianity is belong to Israel people and not for Chinese people.
    In China they have their own way of worshipping.
    They worshipped their Dragon πŸ²πŸ‰ and not Christianity.
    Even in Australia here Chinese people used to worshipping their Dragon πŸ²πŸ‰ and celebrate their Dragon 🐲 πŸ‰ every February of the year which they called Chinese New year.
    Chinese dragon πŸ²πŸ‰ dressing like our Masquerade in in Nigeria.

    I don't go to Church for the past 15 years now and I'm Rich I'm not a poor person.
    I don't need to be a Christian or Muslim to be rich.
    God has gave me talents to use to make money πŸ’ΈπŸ’° for myself.
    Now it's up to me to use my talent or keep it idle.
    Religion beliefs is the major killer in Nigeria and Africa continent.
    In as much as Nigerian people still carry their religion on head, they'll never and never become develop.
    Because God will not come down and do what he has destined us to do for us.

    I love the way that you are responding to those empty skulls Nigerians who come to your show to attacks your honesty teaching.
    Let me tell you something here.
    These Nigerian people knew that you are telling the truth.
    But they don't want you to be teaching people the truth.
    Because they were benefiting from gullible Nigerians.
    They don't want people to be wise.
    They don't want you to open people eyes.
    So that they will continue to take advantage of gullible Nigerians.
    They're benefiting from gullible Nigerians.
    Please tell me, how many Nigerians that have love for God?
    Very few of them did.
    As for me I love you program and that's what attracted me to your channel.

    Thank you may God continue to bless you in abundance way.

    Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  3. Daddy freeze, I love u, because of ur honesty, but foolish people will not listen, if I tell u, am a victim of useless marriage, daddy freeze I left that nonsense marriage 4 the betterment of my lovely kids, 2day am in UK looking after them by his grace, I have follow u 4 months, and I love everything u tech β™₯, more grace to u

  4. Nigerians and most Africans have lost the plot. God is a God of productivity! Africans must become productive in all aspects of life to be relevant in the world. We must become productive like China and export to become respectable members of the international community. Go back to history and see what made nations great: obviously productivity. Our God hates laziness and hypocrisy. That's what most Africans are! Hypocrisy when it comes to religion!


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