IDF confirms Hamas terrorists have taken Israeli hostages and horrifying death toll

ISRAEL blitzed Gaza City on Saturday (October 7) in revenge for a bloody all-out attack by Hamas terrorists that left hundreds dead.

Whole tower blocks were reduced to rubble in devastating air strikes after Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu promised “mighty vengeance”.

Dozens of Israeli civilians and soldiers are being held hostage after they were dragged across the border into Gaza.

More than 250 Israelis are dead and 232 Palestinians have also reportedly been killed in retaliatory air strikes

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32 thoughts on “IDF confirms Hamas terrorists have taken Israeli hostages and horrifying death toll”

  1. Free Palestine we are not teroriste we are a patriot we should save our country. Stop for israelien occupation. We talk for peace but israelien want blood he kill innocent civil. Now after 100 years of occupation we should speak with enemies a same language. Eyes for eyes. I'm tunisien 🇹🇳 end i say FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸

  2. This world is a lie and run temporary by satan through the disobedience of men. “Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.” – 2 Corinthians 4:4

    The churches are lies and G-d has a 7000year salvation plan for you. We pray you who G-d has led to read this to turn to the one true non trinity G-d, Abraham, Jacob, Isac and Messiah Jesus G-d and Father and our G-d and Father through the one true non trinity and non preexistent by G-d exalted man Messiah Jesus.

  3. الصهاينة يكرهون المسلمين والمسحيين وحتى اليهود لماذا مجلس الشيوخ الامريكي والرئيس وزير الخارجية كلهم من الصهاينة مجرمون بدون رحمة

  4. اکثر نظریات رو خوندم ، همشون مخالف جنگ وخونریزی و صدمه زدن به زنان وکودکان هستند .
    فقط یک چیز برام سوال ، چرا از صهیونیستا کسی نمی پرسه قبل از حمله حماس ، چرا اینقدر عاشق ریختن خون کودکان وزنان غزه هستند . 🤔🤔🤔

  5. IDF are also TERRORISTS FOR KILLING PALESTINIAN CIVILIANS, as well as terrorizing them for decades on THEIR LAND. I don’t agree with HAMAS and what they did, but the Israeli government are worse!

  6. یہ بہت بڑا جنگجو ہے، لیکن میں صرف چھوٹے چوروں کو دیکھتا ہوں جو صرف عورتوں، بچوں، بوڑھوں اور بے سہارا لوگوں کا سودا کر سکتے ہیں، بہت غریب۔

  7. hamas bukan teroris.
    indonesia selalu mengikuti perkembangan antara israel dan palesitina. jika tidak ada tanggal 7 maka akan ada tanggal 8 yang di picu oleh israel dan konflik ini masih akan tetap terjadi. dan kami masih ingat serangan dan kekejaman bertahun tahun yang di lakukan oleh israel terhadap plaestina. apakah itu bukan teroris? untuk kali ini kami umat muslim di indonesia dan muslim di negara lain bahkan umat kalianpun sangat sngat merasakan kekejaman israel terhadap palestina. semoga saja ini bukan awal perang antara umat muslim dan kalian.

  8. noone can expect to have to put up with this level of terrorism we stand with israel to the end. The WORLD HAS NOW SEEN THE TRUTH PRAISE GOD. WE PRAY FOR ORDIANRY PEOPLE OF PALISTINE NOW SEE THE TRUTH OPEN THEIR EYES LORD


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