iBuy Floor Two! – Hermitcraft (Stream Replay)

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Check out the other Hermits!
●Bdubs – https://youtube.com/BdoubleO100
●Cleo – https://youtube.com/zombiecleo
●Cub – https://youtube.com/cubfan135
●Doc – https://youtube.com/docm77
●Etho – https://youtube.com/ethoslab
●False – https://youtube.com/falsesymmetry
●Gemini –https://youtube.com/c/GeminiTayMC
●Grian – https://youtube.com/c/grian
●GTWScar – https://youtube.com/goodtimeswithscar
●Hypno – https://youtube.com/hypnotizd
●iJevin – https://youtube.com/ijevin
●Iskall – https://youtube.com/iskall85
●Impulse – https://youtube.com/impulseSV
●Joe.H – https://youtube.com/joehillstsd
●Keralis – https://www.youtube.com/user/Keralis
●Mumbo – https://youtube.com/thatmumbojumbo
●Pearl – https://youtube.com/c/PearlescentMoon
●Rendog – https://youtube.com/rendog
●Stress – https://youtube.com/Stressmonster101
●Tango – https://youtube.com/tangoteklp
●TFC – https://youtube.com/selif1
●VintageBeef – https://youtube.com/VintageBeef
●Welsknight – https://www.youtube.com/WelsknightGaming
●xB – https://youtube.com/xbxaxcx
●Xisuma – https://youtube.com/xisumavoid
●Zedaph – https://youtube.com/ZedaphPlays

Gaming, Minecraft
#minecraft #hermitcraft #impulseSV Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/impulsesv


33 thoughts on “iBuy Floor Two! – Hermitcraft (Stream Replay)”

  1. 45:00 I don’t think people are easier to offend. I think people just feel safer to express when they are offended.

    It’s not that long ago in the US you’d be publicly ostracized for standing up against racist/sexist/prejudicial speech and actions.

  2. Now-a-days, you hear more people saying that they’re offended because more people are becoming empowered, so they can finally stand up for themselves. Straight, English-speaking, privileged white folks don’t understand this because they were born into the groups that have the power in our society.

  3. Naked and Scared: Random World generation. Flat World, Structureless generation, Sky Block generation, End start, Nether Start, Over World Start…. You could add in styles: Hardcore, Ultra Hard core, Hard/Mid/Easy Mode, even Creative. Like creative mode but you must complete all uncompleted N&S challenges within the allotted days, maybe even add in the completed ones also. This could be hard even in creative. This would create an interesting twist that changes every season majorly.

  4. The only reason you should make a tcg arena is if you want the challenge of building the redstone. It's obvious that you enjoy the game but you aren't crazy into it like some of the other hermits. It's fun for you but you aren't passionate about the game.

  5. As much as im sure its difficult, I'm glad youre willing to have real-world topics come up and address them, and I understand why you tend to keep it brief. The new iBuy spaces look amazing and it's cool to see these formerly behind the scenes activities.

    I think you're absolutely right that it has become "cool" to find offense in things and people tend to assume the worst in others, but I think it's become equally "cool" to go out of one's way to offend people and punch down on others. Given how much of our interaction occurs on mediums where there is no context or inflection to understand each others intentions (social media…), and how we are constantly bombarded by things designed to make us angry (the news…) assuming the worst is kind of understandable to an extent.

    Honestly I admire some people's commitment to treating each other better than we did when I was growing up, even if sometimes it becomes preemptively and unnecessarily angry.

  6. When you guys build in such a large scale, using the lightmatica ain't no big thing, to me anyway. I'd be willing to bet the peeps that call it cheating/get mad u use it don't have that option. I bet their tune would change of they had access to it

  7. When cub opened his arena he and beef said, oh it’s the first game master arena. Since you’re not a game master yourself maybe it won’t make as much sense if you build one, but maybe if collaborate with a game master?
    That being said, it would be a very fun build so if you think it would be fun absolutely take a shot at it! And like some others said, you can make it your own, get your spin on it, don’t have to stick 100% to the beef/xisuma design.

  8. You hermits should make some exits to the nether from the tunnel. Just add some iron doors and a little landing platform on the outside so there’s proper exits and ways back in instead of searching for random holes, feels like that would be safer

  9. I wasnt able to catch this live but I think instead of putting a tcg arena in ibuy I would consider doing like a trading hall or room like they use to have in malls in the 90s so everyone has a place to do trades and gives foot traffic in ibuy

  10. You having an opinion is fine. But it’s clear when you’re speaking that opinion that you haven’t been listening to the most vulnerable people affected by the topic. And that is hurtful. You’re not getting cancelled. People stop caring what you say because you’re not listening. That being said, if you want to have an opinion that is totally devoid of empathy for people who are literally being murdered everyday for just trying to be alive- go for it. But don’t expect anyone to stick around to hear it. It’s not cancel culture, it’s accountability.

  11. Ok so I'm a linguistic nerd. Idk if it's different in english, but in french, alliteration and assonance are both repetition of a sound, alliteration for consonants and assonance for vowels. Alliteration is often used for both tho. So shulk n bulk totally work.

  12. That topic of assuming the worst, or getting offended easily.
    I remember once my mother and I had been flying on planes for a rediculous amount of time. We were tired and hadn't eaten in over 18 hours.
    All of a sudden, someone we knew comes up to us and is like "Hey, what are you guys doing here? :D"
    He was a business guy, so well off, likes flashy cars, and happens to be on the opposite side of the political spectrum.
    He decided to help us out, and invited us to this V.I.P. lounge area. I, being a kid at the time, raided the rice crispy treats while he and my mother talked. But something was off. i could tell my mother wasn't happy.
    Eventually we parted ways to continue with our respective trips, and my mother leans over and quietly says to me "Some people aren't worth fighting with." clearly meaning it as a life lesson.
    I didn't reply, but I always remember thinking at that moment: Why would i want to? The guy just helped us out. he might have different interests than us, but why does that mean we have to want to fight with him? Why can't we just respect what others enjoy and apreciate the moments we do spend with them?

  13. I have a plugin that blocks shorts, I just can't stand them, I feel like I used to spend more time hiding shorts from my feed than actually watching things that I wanted to watch…

    I hope that's not too bad for you, especially since you said you mostly want them to get new peeps


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