I Want to Believe 2: UFOs & UAPS (2023) | Full Movie

Well know ufologists and researchers examine the UFO/UAP phenomenon through recent and historical examples.
“I Want To Believe” Part 1 https://youtu.be/HLXj_h6iG64


34 thoughts on “I Want to Believe 2: UFOs & UAPS (2023) | Full Movie”

  1. Terrible terrible documentary.. all they do is talk about the same things over and over and over that have been talked about for years and years. Obviously they can’t make videos up, but quit talking about the same crap. All they do is talk about the same big cases.

  2. I was a Mental Health Nurse. I've seen with my hubby 1 ship flew over our home. 1st they hovered & wasn't a new ship round type yes it was literally that close, this left my hubby who didn't believe me for yrs. Well last yr. Randy now does. This is in Ga. My children have both seen. We have sum very interesting witness events . But in short , just touching on subject. Going back My entire family has seen them, Dating back to 1965 my birth yr. & After my mom who is still here. I had witnessed couple times as youngster in Grand Forks N.D. on our Horse farm, it flew over Red River different days. My mother & our neighbor were visiting having coffee. 1 actually landed & they called Grand Forks Air Force base.They came & asked questions. That is our accounts. Thanks for opportunity for a chance to write facts for thier accounts & those who think they can't or shouldn't talk about their own witnessed.

  3. I have no idea why people don't understand that ALL HUMANS on this planet are simply part of a biological experiment that has been conducted here for multiple hundred of thousand years by EXTRATERRESTRIALS! Such people as Linda Moulton Howe have agreed with this position ever since she STARTED researching the cattle mutilations back in 1979! Even back then she had sherriffs tell her those mutilations were done by ET! There are way more than one group of ET's that have experiments going on, as if there were only one group, humans, we would all look the same. With our different colors, eye features and other differences, it is only logical that many ET species are involved, just like there are so many different STYLES of UAP'S! Think about it folks and don't you think this is the simplest reason?…..Oh, and FORGET ABOUT NUCLEAR WAR, our creators will not let that happen as we have seen both missiles of America and Russia having the nukes TURNED OFF in their launch areas! They will not allow their long running experiment kill themselves and make Earth a wasteland!

  4. GOD did not create aliens, they are demons (fallen angels) just like ghosts, bigfoot, ufo's, black eyed kids etc. Born again Christians have the authority to rebuke demons in the name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! How to become born again: thank JESUS for paying for your sins on the cross and HIS resurrection on the 3rd day!!! It must come form the bottom of your heart and don't forget, JESUS is GOD, see John 1! Don't ever contact demons and don't give them a foothold, please do your own research on occult and cursed-objects and destroy them! Listen to LA. Marzuli and pastor Tom Horn on the alien deception of the end times

  5. welll one side note. we have thattechnology partially active. i mean magnet controlled metal/conducting motion.
    we have miCroparticle accelerators that can speed up things to speed of light. i mean cern.
    the problem is there is no massive versions of that in active use… still may be that fast things are controlled by something controls that magnetically on relatively distant precise mega magnets 😀 so technically possible.

  6. These agencies of the US government don't have hands. They have tenticles and those tenticles are constantly moving in and out and infiltrating and spying and manipulating things like the UFO movements, ecconomies and militaries of countries all over the world. Also nearly all media companies and that includes social media too.

  7. I once stood in my back garden on the lawn and happened to gaze up skywards. It was a clear sky back in Autumn 1971 just after 11.45pm one evening, and I came upon a fleet of 11 ufo craft in a vee shaped eschelon formation at what I would estimate below low earth orbit say 50+ miles up, but far high than any known aircraft could ever go, but more than this was the speed they were moving at was likely far in excess of 10K mph I would estimate.
    There was no sound because they were so high up.
    I watched them perceptably each gently weaving slightly in their flight trajectory, but all maintaining close formation, on a North to South heading.
    They remained in sight for a good 3 – 4 minutes giving me plenty of time to ponder upon them, and wonder which civilisation they might have come from.
    They each emitted a brilliant whitish yellow colour and looked like lozenges streaking across the heavens.
    Obvious from seeing their performance they were controlled craft of some kind, but likely not from this world.
    100% gospel.
    If this is the case, then we certainly are not alone, going on what was observed in this instance.

  8. This is my take, okay, let’s say , yes, aliens do exist and they’ve been around for a long time and visited now and again. Great, so when will they introduce themselves to me? I’d like to meet them. Point being, when and if I ever do meet them, then , at that point , will they make an impact on my life, if not, then it really doesn’t matter if they exist or not, as it’s made no impact for me personally in my life.


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