I Turned Myself into a Vtuber in ArmA 3 (also hello I'm back)

CHECK OUT THE LINKTREE HERE: https://linktr.ee/RimmyDownunder

Alright, I’m back from delivering all those presents. Despite everything that happened, I still love making videos and I’m not going to let YouTube stop that. The two back-up video sites means my content gets saved even if it gets blocked on YouTube, and means I can create funnier and better edits that would have to be removed on YouTube and release them somewhere.

I may take breaks at times in the future, especially if my other projects in life have to take priority, but from now on I’m aiming to find the perfect path between making funny, cool or very stupid videos while also making enough to keep filling this gamer tummy full of gamer fuel (chicken parmas).
All Links: https://linktr.ee/RimmyDownunder
Second Channel:

#arma3 #arma #vtuber


47 thoughts on “I Turned Myself into a Vtuber in ArmA 3 (also hello I'm back)”

  1. Ah bugger, I forgot to include in the video: The other times that 17-second introduction won't be used in videos will be for sponsored videos. The reason being that most sponsored videos require that their ad appears in the first 30 seconds, so obviously having the intro there will leave me with no time to actually fit the ad in.

    It does mean that for those sponsored videos I have to be very careful to include no videogame violence or any profanity (including asshole and dickhead, I'm not joking) in the first 15 seconds for those videos, which is frustrating, but I have to include the sponsor ad-read anyway so hopefully that'll eat up most of the time (and I don't usually swear in my sponsor reads 😛 )

  2. I wish people used RSS for feeds instead of site specific feeds. It'd make content creators moving sites a not big deal.

    I'll add your Odyssey channel to my feed reader, and watch there. Cheers! Always love when folks move away.

  3. Rimmy Regardless of Twitch and YouTube being dumb I will stick with you as far as I can go You're too good of a creator to be kicked to the curb by this nonsense. I knew that you've had the issues from last year but I didn't know about Tom's issues which sucks since he is also an amazing creator. I love you man and never forget that as one of your long time fans I've got your back.

  4. This is very exciting news! I tried watching videos on rumble in the past, but it didn't stick because none of the great content creators I knew were there. Now that changes! Hopefully this is the start of people moving away from YouTube's insanity!

  5. ah, sucks to hear everyone is habing a shite time on YouTube and Twitch. but hopefully they'll come around. Otherwise not only will YouTubers be cucked but so will YouTube as well because I doubt the majority will sit here and take it. Let's hope to better times, my friends.

  6. YouTube: you can't use the c-word anymore.
    Scotland and Australia digging a tunnel thought the core of the earth to meet up and build a laser to write the C word on the moon in respince.

  7. Hey man Best of luck from canada, I love your content and it breaks my heart seeing you go through so much shit from powers beyond your control. Ill follow you wherever you go m8, Good luck!

  8. Twitter is going down the toilet faster still. Patreon! I decided to get on board for a couple of channels since I am working. Always have your own mirror for your content. Facebook is notorious for locking people out for instance. Have had to use Kofi for payments to life drawing models as Paypal is hostile. Even had to use Manyvids tips recently as the only other options (Venom/Cashapp) needed a US bank account.

  9. The internet is on fire and there is no where safe rn. Twitter? Twitch? Facebook? Gods No, Youtube is trying to take itself out and Maybe Instagram and Snap Chat are fine. But We are hitting critical mass.


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