I thought Elden Ring was hard, then I played Bloodborne

This is definitely the hardest souls game i’ve played

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37 thoughts on “I thought Elden Ring was hard, then I played Bloodborne”

  1. Well, first of all, I would like to say that everything written below is written with the help of an interpreter, since English is not my native language, of course I have enough level to communicate, but for a comment I will have to use complex terms that I do not know. Do not judge strictly if something below seems rude or unpleasant to you, you know – this is a translation error. So let's get started. First I want to say that the video is just great! One of the best Bloodborne authors! I really like it! I wish you success! Now to the tips. I must say right away, if you want to pass the game easily, it's very easy to break it and you don't need to have any special knowledge, but it will completely kill all interest, this game should be difficult, it's Bloodborne! I will still briefly write a guide on how to "break" the game, but I highly do not recommend it. After killing the bloodsucker, you got a bowl of Ptumera, if you just install it in one of the plates in the hunter's dream, you can immediately select a glyph search in another plate in a network game and enter cummmfpk, go in, go a little forward, look to the left, get echoes, use the mark of a brave hunter and repeat indefinitely, this is the most a well-known way to "cheat". I will not write more complex ones here, according to the type of cool runes, gems, pumped weapons, and so on. Again, I HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND doing this, only after completing the game. Hold on. As for the normal advice. You're going well, if you're going in this game, it's already good. I will speak in turn of what I saw in the video. Big opponents are rarely parried, there are exceptions, but as a rule it is immediately felt. In most cases, it's better to dodge the enemy's attack, roll into it, it's safer that way, personally I play without capturing the target, but I need to grow up to this, technically it's better, but more difficult, we won't dwell on it. Further. I recommend trying an attack from the layout, L1, she would have helped a lot at 1:37, on a saw-bayonet she is not as good as on a saw-axe, but still. Later you will move on to the sacred blade of Ludwig, I do not recommend doing the layout there, it is long and justifies itself. And in general, the saw is an axe top, it's not a spoiler, it's just really good. I will not say banal things like follow the rest of the enemies while you are fighting with one (by the way, the game without capturing the target manifests itself here), or not to be greedy, Bloodborne does not like greedy, but let it be. Next, paper with a tablet, a very powerful mixture, let's pay attention to the tablet Next, paper with a tablet, a very powerful mixture, let's pay attention to the tablet. A monster's blood clot, when used, gives monstrosity, monstrosity for 60 seconds, the more aggressive you are, the better the strip is filled, blows from the layout (L1) and power attacks fill the strip best, this is such a thing in Bloodborne, it increases damage, the greater the monstrosity, the more damage, at 300 monstrosity, damage increases by 70%, which is just incredibly much! But it also reduces protection when used, at 300 monstrosity, protection is five times less, it does not mean that you will receive five times more damage, it does not work that way, you should not worry about it. Monstrosity is shown in the status. To increase the strip, that is, to increase the monstrosity, you can use clothes, runes, a little insight. The smaller the insight, the larger the stripe. At zero insight, 300 monstrosity is basic. You have to look at the characteristics of clothes, where there is poisoning, there is monstrosity. So use a tablet with paper, be aggressive, if the attacks with the layout are fast for weapons (like a saw-axe), use them to fill the strip, and then switch to simple strikes (R1) and smash the boss to smithereens. We won't discuss the runes, as well as the monster's claw, please, it doesn't matter now, and I'm already running out of strength. Next, before killing the boss of the Burginvert (funny translation), go to the right of the lantern from which you ran to Amelia, let the guy with the bag kill you. I hope I explained it clearly. Now tin. Under the health bar, to the right of the selected item, icons appear, these are status effects, I think you know what it is, but what is there in the Elden Ring? Otherwise I didn't play. Well, in general, look, look at what is without spoilers on the Internet. Oh, yes, of course it makes sense to say that it's worth watching videos for beginners, nothing personal. In addition, if you want to find out the best way to kill any boss, you can watch Doodhandvlee, he's a terrible skill, I have plans to get closer to him, at least at the distance of a cannon shot, oh, I got distracted, oh yes, he has complex murders, look specifically at the boss that you need, he has everything, and make sure that there is no "no roll/dodge/run" in the title of the video, I don't think you need it, I don't know if you need to watch this person on the first pass, but maybe you will go somewhere further, BL4 NG+6, eh, this it's worth it. Phew… That's probably all. It's the middle of the night, I'm already exhausted and I can't write anymore. In general, it's pretty hard to draw conclusions from the video, but I tried! I hope something will help you, what I wrote, honestly, it's a drop in the ocean, but I don't know what you know to write everything in a row, well, yes, I'm tired, thank you for your content, good luck, ask if you have any questions, bye!!!

  2. I was introduced to the souls series from ER same went for me i was like ER is hard then i played bloodborne and sekiro and i must say bloodborne might be more fun than ER the more i progress. Absolutely amazing gameπŸŽ‰

  3. So…. u are telling me…
    U killed the Bloodstarved Beast, then u bought the 10k Key for the gate after that…. but u have been in the Church Workshop (got Ludwig-Sword)
    U just wasted 10k Bloodechoes πŸ˜›

  4. Some general tips for you good sir:
    I think you might know this one since it may have been in elden ring too, different weapons scale better with different attributes like the sword you got scales better with strength i think and the scaling gets higher the more upgraded the weapon is, so its best you chose one single playstyle and for bloodborne skill is a good attribute to focus on since you do more damage when doing visceral attacks (special attacks you do after a parry) but its your choice alone
    I HIGHLY recommend you do eileens questline its cool and you get a great armor set and one of the best weapons in the game, just be careful its very difficult and there are so many rooms for messing it up so maybe look up a small guide
    Dont forget the repair your weapons every once once in a while!
    Now go out and kill a few beasts, its just what hunters do

  5. Great video bro but one thing to note is that the Beast Blood pellets give you an increase in damage proportional with how aggressive you are and attack h the enemy after popping one of them. There’s a meter that pops up when you eat one of the pellets and when full, can increase your damage output by 70%

  6. I would recommend exploring the area to the left of the Grand Cathedral before getting on to Byrgenwerth and beyond. Also you might want to ha a look around in Oedon Chapel while you're at it.
    Love your content so far!

  7. Okay, I redid my comment, I have no idea how it happened that the sentences started repeating themselves, I apologize, it looked very stupid on my part, apparently it affected me that I fell asleep, translator, a large volume, it's sad… But let's not talk about sad things! I have removed all unnecessary and added more as feedback! I apologize again. I hope my advice will help. Thanks for the content!

  8. Not gonna lie, I think that Bloodborne is the easiest Fromsoft game. I'm like half way through DS1, played a bit of DS2 and finnished DS3, ER and I'm about to attempt fighting Gherman in Bloodborne when I'm done with The Old Hunters. Bloodborne is the only one of these where I defeated MOST of the bosses in ONE attempt. I got Father G and Micolash in 2 attempts. The only ones that I struggled with were Cleric's Beast (when I had no idea what I was doing), Matyr Logarius (who I attempted to beat like way to early) and Ludwig (he's dlc tho. Also I have high hopes for the Orphan). It was quite easy for me even tho I picked quite a bat class (noble, aristocrat or something like that) and played the whole game with the Threaded Cane.
    Edit: Also, no coop cause PS+ do be expensive.

  9. Not sure if you've done this yet, but applying blood gems to your weapon will increase it a whole lot. In the hunter's dream itll be under "blood gem fortification" just scroll through them until the number on the left turns blue!

  10. I think the beginning of this game is pretty dang hard especially with the limited healing. It just gets progressively easier and easier until the DLC at that point

  11. Yo the beast blood pellets definitely help, when you build that meter up with successive attacks you start doing more damage, the more the bar is filled the more damage you get

  12. I'm sure someone has already told ya but when you killed the blood starved beast, the door to the left of the lamp in the cathedral ward opens and you can proceed without buying that key.

  13. really? ER is much much harder, i actually found bb to be the easiest and least thoughtful and strategic of all the souls games, then again i played ER first so many it taught me well, i kinda curbstomped bb when i played it, finished it in 25 hours with dlc. im guessing youre the type of player to always summon in ER if u found it too difficult but bb is kinda hard to summon for in comparison, but overall even your basic miniboss in ER is more complex and intricate than your average bb main boss lol, so im not sure why youre having a hard time, no jump? the laughably bad vial system?

  14. Aw men you are not an Elden Lord. Your now a Hunter. You must be quick. Bloodborne is game where dodges are more important then anything. Being glass canon is the best tactic


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