I Think These Could be the CHANGES TO HYDRA… | Raid: Shadow Legends

My thoughts on what Plarium might actually change when it comes to Hydra Clash in Raid: Shadow Legends….

Boozor’s vid ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6neT6LpIGlc
Tyrauku’s vid ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZK_2_1EVIQ
Bronko’s vid ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0IXdbKWAfE
HWZ’s vid ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD_yDInbGj4

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AFK Journey â–º https://www.youtube.com/@NubsJourneyAFK

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43 thoughts on “I Think These Could be the CHANGES TO HYDRA… | Raid: Shadow Legends”

  1. I liked a lot of your ideas Nub, always thinking deep in these situations. I think it's going to be really difficult for them to do this properly, I think the easiest way is to put a damage cap on everything, not just max HP dmg champs, but raise that cap to maybe 20%. I have Trunda, Emic, etc. to be able to make a Trunda team, but I just haven't because I can't be bothered (I'm just lazy) to Manual 2+ hours on a Hydra battle, and I don't have the gear needed to be able to hit those insane numbers. While it's rewarding to those that do, it is a problem that needs to be addressed.

    I personally rely on an Ally attack team for Normal (Cardiel+Padraig+Skraank+Rathalos), a copy of your Razelvarg/Shamael/Visix team for Brutal, and an Acrizia/Artak/Ukko/Duchess team for NM, and I push around 1.5-2 bilion clash points. So any changes likely wouldn't affect me too much, but I'm willing to put in the work to make new teams to adapt to whatever changes are made so my clan can at least compete in Hydra Clash somewhat once whatever changes are implemented.

  2. Having those multiples for the difficulties will just cause a bigger problem for clans that still can't do nightmare and have 1 opponent just blast a whole clan out of the water. You literally just make a new problem for mid to low clans being punished more and more. Hey, everyone is a trunda for anyone that can't do nightmare… great idea, NOT !!!

  3. There will still be versions of the Trunda teams that can smash NM difficulties thus the problem can potentially become worse as not all players can get high points in NM.

  4. the only problem has been the clash that is all it is. So put a max cap out how much clash points 1 person can get problem solved no one champs gets NERFED its just you cant have 1 person do 95% of the clan clash points cause they have the op champs for patch.

  5. Raising the max hp cap to 25% would be good, allowing double dmg rather then triple with reduce trunda's damage, but slowing them down would probably just allow trunda to do more A2's with reset team and therefore not change anything or inflat the "problem" more.

    Definitely a hard one to fix and see more potential for damage then fixes.

  6. Why not just make it so you cant score more points than the hydra has health? Normal has 340 million hp so how about you can score more than 340 million points? The matter of having these uber teams means you just get it done quicker rather than carrying your clan to victory.

  7. Double yumeko fuels the trunda engine for these insane teams. I don’t see much discussion on her getting nerfed. Someone tell me why Kymar can’t reset another Kymar, but yumeko can reset her clone.

  8. 16x for nightmare is a terrible idea. Sure if you can get a good score on NM then that's great. But what about the players that can only get a good score on normal. They are completely negated. Your teams are OP and built great, not to mention you have the champs. Lame AF.

  9. No one likes hydra its boring and very monotonous. On top of that it's very complicated. I literally auto it over and over until my normal team hits 400 million, hard hits 160 million and brutal hits 130 million points. Thats gets me just over 1 billion total. Usually only takes a few auto tries and im done.

  10. Hydra reward is also really bad, there's not much of a difference between higher difficulty and the lower one, also the main reward as of now is literally in Hydra Clash, which most people want to get… they really need to add those bigger soul stones for higher difficulty, but Plarium greed is bigger, so there's that… I can 1 key nightmare and Brutal, but why would I do that if I can smash the hell out of Normal and Hard and get a chance of the Hydra Clash

  11. I have a turvold in 6 piece merciless and 6star crushing rend but he is not empowered (only have that single copy i got when he was garateed for 80 shards), i have screenshot of him doing 3.6 mil on 1 of his hits of the a3, on a decapitaded head but it was on hard, cant get those numbers on nm yet, but certainly the krakens with better gear than me and +4 turvold can. But even so that is 1 hit that varies from 2 to 3.6 mil depending on helmsmasher procs, ammount of buffs, debuffs and ect, it is hard to setup and single hit. You cant really compare him with trunda when she has 2 big aoes.

  12. Since points are based off of damage, I think the best thing to balance the crazy scores with more parity is having a multiplier based in unique champions.

    Let's say dor exampke every unique champion gives a x1.1 multiplier for that champions score, and for each dupe of something it lowers that number by 0.2 for subsequent dupes.

    It could be tweaked of course to promote unique teams, plus it would promote team coordination. This way whilst you'll get less points from champs like Shamael or Uugo, simce they're kind of necessary in a manner, those aren't punished as much sincs they don't add a huge amount of damage.

    Also the highest dealing gets assigned the highest multiplier.

    They could also add multipliers to lower rarities so that if you can make an oddball team work, it allows more players to contribute or just plain rewards ingenuity.

  13. Damage capping on hydra heads literally destroys yannica and ironclad teams because they are one hit buster while trunda could still a2 over and over and over and over and over. Wont fix it.

  14. 1 mln damage cap is really aggressive. My two NM nuker hits hard, like alaz up to 2mln per A2 hit and Ma'shalled for 1.5mln with A1. 1mln will drop drastically my NM score, that high damage help to keep all head dead, decrasing that probably will score 50% or less damage

  15. I think we can all agree the only logical step is polymorph, polymorph makes everything better. The new head must be a gigantic sheep head that sheeps the shit out of everything😂

  16. You have come up with some excellent suggestions….but there is only really one issue: Trunda is ruining the CvC clash.
    So, nerf one champ….or change a million and one things.
    Sometimes the most simple answer is the best.

  17. For decapitation if they lower the damage they could reset turn meter when decapitated an head. Right now keep the same turnmeter as the head, that will be a nice balance to improve the time and head is decapitated

  18. All they need to do for hydra clash is something I suggested forever ago. Apply a normalization curve weight to the scores. Depending on the weight, it would still allow some people to carry, but it woudl also put a lot more emphasis on participation of your entire clan. Nice, simple, and they don't have to worry about all these broken strategies popping up all the time. Just changing the harder difficulties to be worth more only works so long as there aren't broken strategies for them.

  19. The biggest underlying problem with Raid has always been the reluctance to fix problems. If trunda was fixed years ago the problem today wouldn’t be here. Plarium is too analytical with their responses. Taking them this long to address that clans that get 4/5 place to get rewards for still putting up what ever the number could be. Finally nerfing the bosses of IT, sand devil and shogun. Those are changes that should have happened maybe a month or 2 after release. Introducing a boss with new mechanics and having such small amounts of champions that can address it is ridiculous. The mentality that well maybe they will add a champion down the road that can do it is down right stupid thinking

  20. I think they should find another way to do Hydra without affecting these Trunda builds because people spent way to much money and resources to do it because they said it was not broken. And no I don’t have Trunda. They should have fixed it soon as it happened instead of letting it go.

  21. Great video my dude. I think a couple things are necessary. First we need UNM Hydra. That will up the difficulty significantly just like it does in Demon Lord. And then I think there needs to be a balance to Trunda and Wix and they need to monitor the champs going forward.

  22. I feel like the adjustment needs to focus on hydra clash. If the change makes it tougher for weekly hydra chests, that'll be frustrating.

    I think we should forget hydra clash points multiplying the damage I have done. Use point thresholds. Give me a certain amount of points for the damage I have done. And then, if I got over some number, let's say 500 mil damage, I would never get more than 100 points towards clash or something.

  23. Totally disagree with boosting nightmare points! Because that's a straight up boost of the pay to win players, and widening the gap between competitors. Also another power creep in a bad way. On top of it you want to spread your key's!!!

  24. Max Hp damage is capped at 10% but regular damage is not! Its crazy to think that Acrizia does WAY lower damage than Trunda or Turvolt or others vs a boss. They need max hp damage cap raised and put a cap on damage overall on hydra


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