I Still Can't Play This Game – Sekiro #shorts #sekiro

Hi everyone, sorry about the long absence on here. I’ve been trying to take a break from content creation because I’m kinda burnt out lmfao but Lies of P and Lords of The Fallen got me busy. Anyways, Sekiro is such a great game but I literally can’t get good at this game like bro it’s been almost 5 years now. Sorry guys, I failed. Time to go back to my unga bunga ways in Elden Ring

“Can You Hear The Music” by Ludwig Göransson
Green screen by CreatorSet
Movie is Oppenheimer

#fromsoftware #sekiroshadowsdietwice #sekiro


21 thoughts on “I Still Can't Play This Game – Sekiro #shorts #sekiro”

  1. Hi, everyone! So basically I bought Sekiro when it first came out and I'm really bad at it so I kinda stopped playing. Been trying to play it so many times now but I'm just really bad. Playing Lies of P lately inspired me to try Sekiro's deflection again! I'm kinda getting better but I'll continue trying.

    Have you guys played Sekiro? How did you guys get good at it? Would love to read some tips and tricks about the game, thank you!

    Please consider leaving a like and sub for more gaming memes and stuff, thank you!

  2. Its actually fucking easy at this point. I first beat the gauntlet on one of my secondary saves for the skin and quit out at inner isshin so i had to do it again and i first tried it again and i laughed my ass off

  3. I bought it 2 years ago not knowing what I got myself into. Quit very soon after starting. Played it again much later and became a sekiro God. Speed runs. No hits. Gauntlets are now a cake walk. What a masterpiece of a game. I'm so glad I gave it a second chance

  4. Just patience and stubbornness got me through sekiro, judgeing by what I've heard from other people I took much longer to git gud than other people, Genichiro took me several days on my first playthrough but I was still enjoying the game. Now I can comfortably beat every boss in the game charmless. Still takes me a couple of attempts for some of the hardest ones but it usually doesn't make a difference to me whether I win or lose because I just reaload the reflection of strength and go again.

  5. I’m fr stuck finding shit I beat the corrupt monk the first one n I got the mortal blade that’s as far as I’ve got 😂it’s not that it’s crazy difficult I just have no game sense n wander around the same places over n over 🤦‍♂️

  6. Its not my cup of tea either, I have beat all 3 dark souls, demon souls, bloodborne elden ring and lies of p, before the boss nerfs, but sekiro just never clicked with me. Not a bad game at all, just by the time I get to the ape I lose interest. By the way get on the roof hang on the other side wait for ogre to walk between doorway pull yourself up and only hit the attack button and you can just stand there and kill him without taking a single hit

  7. This game was so good!!! Just wait till the first major boss. Literally took me a month to beat…but really they deflecting is all about timing. But this guy you just run away and wait for him to dive at you then run up and slice a few times


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