I Spoke With Amazon Game Studios About New World Part 1 (Cash Shop, Micro-transactions, Battlepass)

5/25/2021 – Last Friday I sat down with multiple members of Amazon Game Studios for a virtual conversation about MANY different aspects of New World. This included the Studio Director – Richard Lawrence, Game Director – Scot Lane, and Creator Relations Manager – Greg H. We covered a lot of different subjects but today we’ll be talking about what was discussed during the MTX portion of the conversation. I was extremely grateful that they allowed me to relay feedback directly
and introduce other ideas on the monetization side, and they also made me feel much more at ease with where they are intending to take this game.

From the conversation I wholeheartedly feel like they have a big care for the quality of this game, this is a product they want to survive for a decade or more and they take all of our feedback
very seriously.

As always, diving right into this mega topic surrounding the cash shop, BattlePass, & MTX and providing information on what was discussed during the private conversation about these topics,
and the perspective of both sides.

Timestamps –
00:00 – Intro
01:02 – My Initial Thoughts (And Opening Statement)
03:35 – Their Side (AGS Opening)
04:37 – My Backstory & Testing
05:18 – Battlepass/MTX Followup
05:35 – Assessing Their Costs/What Have They Spent
06:23 – Business Profit & Design Freedom
06:51 – Is It Worth The Risk? Could The Game Change In The Future?
07:57 – Fast Travel, Rested Experience Boosts, QoL Topic/What Their Initial Thoughts Were
09:35 – Adding Value (Organic Boost Events, Holiday Events)
09:51 – Patch Note Corrections (Are They Removing Value?)
10:42 – Conclusion, Honesty, My New Outlook (What Purposes These MTX Serve – A Way To Sustain)

5/25/2021 – Public Statement About MTX – https://www.newworld.com/en-us/news/articles/introducing-our-in-game-store

Amazon New World Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Ilkxnnu7AbjgdDYiOkWtOfVOv5lFeOV

New World: This is Aeternum Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaHt-OGdZnI

New World (Last Major Alpha Update) – https://www.newworld.com/en-us/may-alpha-update

Sign up for Closed Beta – https://www.newworld.com/en-us



Join forces with scores of other players to form powerful companies of craftspeople, mercenaries, prospectors and architects.
Claim territories and leverage your dominion to consolidate power and compel loyalty.
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Craft hundreds of items, from magical elixirs and deadly weapons to sprawling fortifications.

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35 thoughts on “I Spoke With Amazon Game Studios About New World Part 1 (Cash Shop, Micro-transactions, Battlepass)”

  1. Edit – Part 2 coming this weekend!

    Conversation was about an hour and 30 minutes long but it was very insightful. They're going to be posting a public statement about this that'll go more in-depth to what they're planning,
    but the gist of this is that they don't have any immediate plans for MTX. They don't intend to remove value from the game to sell it back to us in a cash shop, to me it seems that they
    are just looking for ways to monetize and sustain their game that wont be considered too far. The MTX testing should begin soon so those of us in the alpha will try these ideas out
    and give feedback accordingly.

    Extra Notes –
    For the Cosmetics – These would only be gear skins, not gear itself. So the outfits you buy wont offer stats or anything like that, strictly just account bound skins that can be applied to our characters. And they are not one time uses, some of them should also be dyeable.

  2. i bought 1 cod battlepasss then all the free coins ive got ive paid for new battle passes.. i hope this will be the case I know alot of people would not want to be buying season battle passes every month or two

  3. I know people have been screwed by MMO cash shops before, but it's appalling watching some people's videos saying it's pay to win after one closed alpha test leak lol

  4. It's not realistic to expect them to continue releasing content and expansions without being able to generate further income, especially with a team that size. I have no problem with an in game store and / or a "Battle Pass" as long as I can choose not to buy anything and still enjoy the game. They could learn a lot from ESO, I think Zenimax have got their in game store and Sub perks pretty spot on.

  5. Stop being dumbass and look what's going on. Any pay yo advance it boost are P2W… This will die in three months if they dont change course! Did Ser disclose any payments or advance from Amazon fir this?

  6. The sad part of all this is that the playerbase is telling Devs how to make the ideal mmorpg, in a sea of mediocres ones, and they just care about money.

  7. You know there's something wrong with the community when you show them facts and an actual interview, and people keep complaining and calling someone a shill, just because you don't nitpick and start creating negative cospiracy theories to follow their circlejerk. It's true amazon has not earned the trust yet, but people have to stop being so negative.

  8. I soo hope you're right. I really need a fun good MMO back in my life but it honstly i'm torn right now about how i feel with this cashshop and wanting this game to be good man.
    You say the rested XP is buffed… but is it really though? like 2.5% an hour vs 1% an hour doesn't sound that buffed to me. Please amazon just make a good game with a cashshop with NO PAY TO WIN OR EVEN CONVENIENCE

  9. I'm happy with Amazon. They have done a great job listening to the community. I have a feeling everything is going to work out. Hopefully they add in game catch up mechanics instead of getting people to pay for that in the future. I'm stoked for new world.

  10. One giant plus with Amazon studios compared to Blizzard is Amazon listens to player feedback and makes changes where changes are possible blizzard for ever and ever will ask like they are interested in player feedback but they either don't react or they make the change but in their own way not at all the way the player feedback suggested. This right here maybe one of the things that pulls World Of War Craft players over to Open World

  11. Thank you for presenting this information. I can now cancel my preorder with confidence. Sounds like a pay to win pile of dog garbage. I hope they at least paid you to do this PR piece to hype up the cash shop and battle pass, but I doubt it.

  12. KiraTV made a very good point about the rested xp "buff" actually just incentivising using the cash shop rested xp more. You gain less of it per hour and can accumulate more. So there's more incentive to buy boosters for it.

    I know you've put 1300 hours into the game already but come off the copium.

  13. People are saying that the negative feedback from their pw2 mechanics are drama and spitting hate? Instead of dismissing it as that did they actually listen point by point to all the objective and logical arguments that a lot of content creators have made.

    Instead of dismissing things you dont agree with as "drama", explain yourself and counter all the pts. If not you're just being blind.

  14. If they did a monthly sub it would eliminate the need for micro transactions. Anyone who thinks you can do a 1 time purchase and still get content is not using the head. No money coming in then no content going out.


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