I Quit My Job of 28 Years!

It has been a rough couple weeks. I have resigned from my job with a company that I had worked for 28 years to pursue another opportunity. God has opened so many doors for me, I should not be surprised anymore.


34 thoughts on “I Quit My Job of 28 Years!”

  1. Sometimes we have to let go and let God. I really appreciate what you and this channel stands for. I left my job earlier this year after 34 years. It’s amazing how God provides your needs.

  2. I left my career of 20 years from a very prominent university, just didnt align any longer. Beat decision i have ever made, it was hard decision for me to make at first, 6 months later i would never thought of returning.

  3. You are blessed to work for a faith based company. I was working at a faith based company for a few years until they recently sold the company to another company who's "values aligned with ours." We used to have scripture verses on our office walls…..until the new company told us we had to remove all of those. They made it clear they are not a faith based company, even going so far as to tell us it is simply illegal to openly profess your faith in the work place. Religion is no longer allowed where I work. So, again, you are very blessed Terry. Hope it all works out well for you!!

  4. Needed to see this, haven't been happy at work (coming up on 3 years) and on top of that in a hole financially and feel like i cant catch a break. Been applying to new jobs for about 9 months with little to no luck, and have been stressing endlessly about how I'm going to figure it out. Need to stop feeling sorry for myself and just trust God's got me. Thanks man!

  5. I did the same 3 years ago. Been an overwhelmingly positive experienced despite some familial hardships. If you don’t think He has a plan for you, you’re not paying attention. Many blessings Terry

  6. Terry, thanks for sharing your story and vision moving forward. God will always prepare a way and that is awesome to hear you are doing something you truly enjoy.

    God bless,

  7. I just stumbled across your channel while searching out hunting videos…….I am excited for you and this opportunity!

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6


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