I Knowingly Had An Affair With A Married Man And Now His Wife Is Out To Get Me – Reddit Stories

Reddit Stories | OP works at a coffee shop and started flirting with a customer who responded to her. The only catch is that he’s engaged, but OP didn’t care and went ahead anyway…now the wife is out to get back at OP, and OP is scared.

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0:00 Intro
0:24 Story 1
3:22 Opinion
4:41 Comments
7:51 More Info
9:37 Update
14:22 Story 2
16:41 Opinion
17:55 Comments
20:04 More Info

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23 thoughts on “I Knowingly Had An Affair With A Married Man And Now His Wife Is Out To Get Me – Reddit Stories”

  1. OK she’s not blameless but as soon as she mentioned ruining her private property and also assaulting her because that’s what that was, that was assault, I felt no sympathy at all for the wife and I can see why he cheated on her go to the police girl ruined her because she could’ve just easily dealt with that issue with the one who she owed her loyalty you didn’t, and I’m not saying don’t sleep wrong with men who are married obviously don’t do that but like yeah, I lost all sympathy when she decided to assault her because her man couldn’t keep it in his pants

  2. Amazing how deluded the women who do this are. I was friendly acquaintances with a woman who did this. When she announced it in a fake "I feel so bad but he wants me so much" way I stopped contact with her. Found out through a mutual friends that she went batshit after she found out he had 3 APs and to add insult to injury she was his 3rd favourite. He only contacted her when he wanted to hook up but the other 2 were busy.

  3. While OP’s actions definitely weren’t good, the blame lies entirely with the man who cheated. He made the decision to cheat, he is the only one responsible, and the wife needs to focus on him. Blaming women for men’s mistakes is wrong.

  4. I'll be honest, everything but the "She poured the hot drink on my hand" I could kinda understand, but I think I know what's going on. There is another mistress involved. OP needs to tell the wife 2 things "I have 0 control over your husband flirting with me, and I've already stopped talking with him, if he's still cheating, it isn't with me." and "Next time you hurt me, I WILL be pressing charges, you told me to back off and I did, at this point you are intentionally harassing me and I won't stand for it.".
    But then again, if OP wasn't a an idiot, she wouldn't have had an affair in the first place. And I was right that there was a second mistress.

  5. The only sympathy after i heard no divorce law is for the wife. Not OP not Chris not anyone.OP is no saint, people saying she was 19, 19 is old enough to know better. People bashing wife imagine your husband keeps cheating on u and u cant divorce him and in your mind the mistress is doing this on purpose. Hope OP learns from this

  6. I was the other man. I was a 9.5 year younger f’boy who was the right guy @ right time @ she fit my standards, which were oddly high.
    Her style, no matter what age, was Renee Zellwiger in the movie Empire Records. Her ex already walked out 5 months earlier, so I slipped on in. If you read the lyrics to Nothing Left to Say But Goodbye by Audioslave; that’s my story. Now 46 widower with no fam. Learn from me. My Shiba Inu is my fam.

  7. i don't think enough people are recognizing that this girl was 19 when she met chris and he was 33. of course she shouldn't have slept with a married man but she was a literal teenager and he was in his 30's. he's an absolute creep and some of these comments are just way too cruel to OP imo.

  8. Oh the update answered exactly what I was furiously typing – I knew I couldn't be the only one who wanted OP to just face the woman and apologize and let her know it's over and that she regrets it! Owning your terrible behaviour can't fix a situation like this but it can definitely diffuse an angry spouse.


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