I found the BIGGEST ship in EVE Online

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37 thoughts on “I found the BIGGEST ship in EVE Online”

  1. Looks at the Scorpion
    β€œIs that a titan?”
    God, I remember being that exited about EVE

    back in 2018 when I was manually buying Dragoons in LS and flying them without modules to Jita to sell again for 800.000 profit I got ganked on a gate by a Talos
    And I thought that was a big ship XD

  2. I want to play eve on my phone or tablet. I dont have time to ait at a computer…..but Eve Echoes is pay-to-win trash. Its a major bummer. Eve is missing out on an opportunity. They need to make it cross platform

  3. I'm in that mess at Jita 4-4 somewhere. Forget what I was flying that day, but I probably let go of about 20 million in fireworks. πŸ˜€
    That was a pretty cool moment. 20 years since the game started is a big deal. So I may have shot at you at some point during the party.
    If you want to see Titans, Amarr is where you go… the honor guard for their Empress is in space, 4 big Avatar titans and a bunch of carriers, and the rest of their battle groups on parade. Fun to fly around. When the Galente Empire celebration comes up you can also run the Grand Prix and you'll come across the wreckage of a lot of Titans during that as you visit memorial sites for old battles.

  4. I shocked when I see he in mj-5f9 at 11:36
    This is our daily content when we see a neutral shuttel, yep, but, we have a lot of titan there XD(Just if u dont know, they don't come here for a titan. Instead, this is the"Jita of our alliance, which, we are there to see people like u, in a shuttle XD)

  5. Matthew 5:27‭-‬30
    Jesus says here, Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. Jesus didn't specifically say to rcut your hands, or plluck your eye out, Jesus way saying that if any thing that causes you to sin remove that out of your Jesus saves God bless.

  6. So, I really tried to play this game, I really liked the complexity of the professions, I liked the aesthetics of the game, I liked the content I managed to complete, what I didn't like is that you can't spend even two days with a ship other than one of the initials that when we leave the green sections someone comes and destroys you, simple as that. I even left the organization I joined to become neutral and I was still killed. which led me to understand that the community doesn't want new players, so if they wanted when they see another player's profile and see that he was new, they would try to recruit him or at least teach him. It's a shame, it was a game that I found very interesting but unfortunately newbies don't seem welcome.

  7. 2:42
    This is why I left Eve online in 2015.
    The game became PAY TO WIN with the new update of skill injectors.
    Before that, you had to wait years until you could fly a supercarrier, after that, all you need is your rich daddys credit cards and you are in business.

    I know that even before the skill injectors You could buy a character that already had those skills but that wouldn't be changing the number of chars that can fly it, it was just moving from one person to the next, after the Skill Injector update, all the real life rich kids came to play Eve Online because they just could buy their way in.

    Rip eve online 2003 -2015


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