I fixed the Zelda Timeline

#zelda #zeldatimeline #timetravel #tearsofthekingdom

I know the audio could definitely be better, but the effort was there. Special thanks to @GossipGeist for helping me with the script and @ParkerRat for listening to me ramble about Zelda.


34 thoughts on “I fixed the Zelda Timeline”

  1. The way you explained how history of the master sword is actually amazing. I would've never found the details you used to explain how the goddess sword, picori sword, and master sword are all the same. Great work

  2. My only question is when is the Dark Interloper war mentioned in Twilight Princess? Other than that I really like this, although at this point I just like to pretend that BotW and TotK are just not canon 😛

  3. Just imagining the shenanigans in your SS Murder timeline – from the viewpoint of everyone else there (divine or not) some random demon shows up, resurrects the big bad by ritually sacrificing their goddess, then some random dude from the future follows him, proceeds to single-handedly destroy his entire army, the demon, then 1v1 demise. Then he just leaves. Hylia is reborn 1000-odd years later as per plan and has absolutely nothing to do (lol).

  4. The issue is that they have openly said they don't care about the particular details of the lore being accurate because they don't wanna box themselves in a way where the writing would have to follow a specific "path".

    We care way more than they do about their own lore. That's insane. Great video!

  5. Intresting theory but 1 thing that buggers me is that zelda references skyward sword, twilight princess and ocarina of time in BOTW on the other hand he did time travel and fly in skyward sword. And the embers of twilight could be figuratively

  6. I agree that both Botw and TOTK follow skyward sword, buuuuut, I believe the time travel element in SS created a branching timeline again (I know you hate it). Botw and TOTK take place in the past of SS where demise was killed by link and the legacy timeliness take place following the present timeline of SS where demise was killed by a triforce wish

  7. I honestly really appreciate that you chose to make your own timeline. I feel like so many people get hung up on not reconsidering the entire series when a new game comes out and giving very handwavy arguments that have little basis and are quite boring. The timeline should be fun and creative, not the way people have been treating it since the hyrule historia book

  8. Skyward sword uses a different time travel logic. The present is affected by time travel that will happen in the future. This is shown by impa having the bracelet in the start of the game. This couldn't be an oversight, as they made a big show of it. Thus there cannot be a split.

  9. I think there is too much make up from the fallen "timeline" for BOTW and TOTK to be completely separate from it but I love everything else about it, I've always felt that the time travel in skyward should be responsible for one of these timelines, and I love how you unified the trident Ganon's under one umbrella allowing all versions to have a "final" death without a random incarnation sealed away somewhere.
    Also the Pocori Sword and Goddess Sword being the same sword is great as well, as the four sword always felt a bit underwhelming in the scheme of metaplot compaired to the master sword despite being a multi title weapon.
    There are still alot of issues from your head lore if you dive deeper into the plots of the individual games but the overall work is wonderful and I hope works like this drive the fandom to abandon Nintendo's official timeline for community ones, considering that appears to be what Nintendo's doing anyway.

  10. There's an issue with the fact that in breath of the wild it mentions Twilight princess. Also the A link to the past master sword (or four swords in your timeline) doesn't split link into four and os called the master sword.

  11. I don't see a problem with the Fallen Hero Timeline personally. There's no reason a multiverse can't exist. There are hundreds of possible branches that could exist anywhere, we just happen to have games that fit in a fallen hero timeline after OoT. If anything it gives even MORE options for future games to appear.

    Also I think the merge of the timelines is a fan concept. It was only ever stated that BotW takes place at the end and is an eventuality, not that all three merged into one definitive timeline.

  12. This timeline doesn't work because of two big things, first SS is a closed loop so no timeline splits and second no Gerudo male leaders after Totk Ganondorf.

  13. Love this! While of course not everything will perfectly agree here (as is the nature of Zelda lore), I'm impressed at your attempt to rationalize the timeline in a completely new fashion. You're doing exactly what Nintendo wanted when they published the Hyrule Historia.

  14. Most of this is pretty solid. Though BOTW/TOTK has the issue of contradicting Nintendo's statement that the games occurred after Ocarina of Time. Hence I've always thought of it as the distant future of the Child Timeline.

  15. I never really cared for the timeline honestly. I just assumed each game and their sequels just take place in its own continuity, like Final Fantasy. There’s just too many inconsistencies otherwise, and I doubt the devs care that much about filling in the gaps.

  16. Adding on to the BOTW after Skyward Sword theory, BOTW is the only other Zelda game to feature the Goddess Hylia prominently. I really wish this was true, but sadly there's some undeniable evidence disproving the BOTW/TOTK section. Nintendo shot themselves in the foot by adding the ranch ruins and mentioning Princess Ruto in the Zora tablets in TOTK. Unfortunate since this would've been so much better than the actual timeline


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