I Finally Found Him! But Is He Worth It? | Skul The Hero Slayer

I’ll leave that up to you

———————— LINKS TO STUFF ————————-
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VOD Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA27YhgMS_eCEdU4dUrmnDQ
————————- MUSIC USED ———————–
Disgaea – Planet X
Skul The Hero Slayer – Main Theme
Bomberman Hero – Redial


26 thoughts on “I Finally Found Him! But Is He Worth It? | Skul The Hero Slayer”

  1. 56:30 – Thanks for the shoutout! ❤

    Totally understandable that you don't want to try that; especially since you've been accused of rigging the game before it was cool 😎
    That's the same reason why I speedrun but never submit my records to the leaderboards: people will inevitably call a very good run rigged, and then no one will trust your good runs again…

    And the ending… 2 Omen is so brutal, and that grab attack that deals 25% of your max HP (then increased by the 1-Omen effect) is just ridiculous. Did you know that that attack also destroys all of your shield, just because the devs hate us?

    Anyway, GG!

  2. Excuse me just asking have you ever combine sun moon like sword plus sword or ring us ring or even the omen with each other and as well the masterpiece omen it is OP as F-ing

  3. I think the choose your skul mod sounds like a great idea! I understand the issue with people possibly thinking your rigging runs though, which is sad. Maybe you can in the future, which would be awesome for skulls that we don't get to see you play as often that are requested (for example I've been hoping for a predator run lol).

  4. Others have said it, but I'm going to repeat it. Use the mode to make really cool runs, to show us 0.1% chance runs, and to start with skuls that are hard to find. Just disclose when you use it. You have proven that you can beat this game without it enough. You aren't competing with anyone for any kind of stakes. The mod can give us better content and save you time, use it.

  5. using the mod wouldn’t effect the legitimacy cuz it only effects the start really, and you can always Pivot if you find the bussin.

    it would just make doing your fun themed runs easier to make.

    though, then we wouldn’t get your “FINALLY AFTER 10,000 YEARS” jokes for rare skulls showing up. do what you want Beelz! 😊❤

  6. Rock Star: I'm struggling so much to keep myself alive! Oberron, save me senpai!
    Oberron: Yes, my lord. bows with a sinister smile

    On a separate note, do the ravens also count as elementals? Because if they get the dark elemental bonus, that's pretty sweet!


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