I Finally Beat the Hardest Boss in Elden Ring

This is the greatest difficult boss of All Time
I stream every day https://www.twitch.tv/moistcr1tikal


30 thoughts on “I Finally Beat the Hardest Boss in Elden Ring”

  1. whenever i help someone fight her and they decided to just hide behind a shield and tank her attacks i leave, some people dont realize she heals herself even if you fully block her damage

  2. Ur not really fighting agains melania, ur fighting against that one move. All her other moves are pretty slow and easy to dodge. But if ur just a little too close when she goes for waterfowl, gg get em on the next try. The hardest boss in any From game by far bc of one move it’s pretty crazy

  3. This bitch was so so annoying to fight, phase one wasn’t too bad after a while but phase two was complete fucking aids. I raged pretty hard tbh but it was extremely satisfying to beat her

  4. Bro miquella is such an easy boss. If you were built different you coulda killed her the way I did, by simply saying to her “oh naw” but if you’re really struggling you coulda summoned in CJ from GTA San Andres

  5. Use blasphemous blade, staggers her constantly. I used a mimic and killed her 2nd or 3rd try
    Edit: before you complain about the mimic, just know she heals off hitting them too, so summoning them is actually detrimental.

  6. Having difficult bosses is fine in a video game. Examples like Gael and Midir come to mind when I think about extremely tough but extremely fair bosses. Out of all of the souls games I have never seen as many bosses with janky hit boxes and literal undodgeable move sets as this one. This isn’t even a skill based issue this is entirely just bad boss design. When you take away the only mechanic that every single player relies on for protection then what is the fucking point of playing. It’s not like it’s a challenge that can be overcome with skill and strategy it’s literally just hope to god you have enough hp. It’s ducking ridiculous. I have never seen such bad boss designs before in any other souls game.

  7. This is the most reactive I’ve ever seen Charlie be in a boss fight. Usually he keeps cool and calm even into 20 attempts but that really shows how fucking insane Melenia is to break Charlie’s sanity


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