I Double Down on Being an Outlaw | Against the Odds | Standard

What are the odds of winning by doubling our janky crew of outlaws with Double Down? Let’s find out!

Today’s video is brought to you by Card Kingdom. You can pick up some Magic: the Gathering cards (and help support the show) at https://www.cardkingdom.com/mtggoldfish

► Read more about this deck (full article): https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/against-the-odds-double-down-standard
► View this deck with the latest prices: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6344538#paper

◼ Purchase this deck (paper): http://mtg.fish/ujtGO
◼ Purchase this deck (Magic Online): http://mtg.fish/kZC6V


0:00 Start
3:00 Match 1
16:25 Match 2
30:18 Match 3
43:37 Match 4
56:02 Match 5


34 thoughts on “I Double Down on Being an Outlaw | Against the Odds | Standard”

  1. I think this deck has opportunity to splash legends though even with double down. IE: Vadmir, plus Tinybones Joins Up, plus double down, just casting Vadmir will give him two +1/+1 counters because one Vadmir will see two Tinybones triggers before legend rule kicks in correct? Same is true for the new Gisa etc. Doubling down Kitesail is also two crimes (for two treasures ideally) which can double trigger Kaervick with your two extra treasures to sneak a couple cut downs, a go for the throat, board wipe again, reanimate creatures whatever, will also double trigger any other non once per turn triggers you have. Pair this with Magda even, you could create some crazy ramp and payoffs/'storm off' outlaws and crime post turn 4. Slow but Tinybones Joins Up, Pickpocket, Vadmir, Kaervick, Preacher, Gix maybe even give you turn 1, 2, 3 value. Deep Cavern Bats possibly to slow the opponent down more and make them remove a 1/1 before you cast a legend. Grind the game to turn 5 and hopefully steal it away with double down value.

  2. Magic has land problems. You die to red aggro on turn 3 or 4 the latest but atleast you can play some crappy tap lands while getting pummeled.

  3. Seth has betrayed the Stan-harmonicons. He avoided legends to get the value off the bodies but he didn’t think about the value of doubling etb/ltb effects for legendary outlaws

  4. I could tell you from having played the Zombie version of this anyone who wants to: stick to Commander for 'Double Down". There's just not enough that discounts enchantments while also playing into your theme in blue. It's fun don't get me wrong but other than a handful of free activations it's not gonna get there in best of three.

  5. This deck is sweet… but now I'm wishing that there were a non-singleton format where we could play the Prowl cards from Lorwyn alongside Double Down without it being embarrassingly slow. A doubled-up Morsel Theft or Noggin Whack would be such a punch in the gut…

  6. If you're looking for a fun combo, I drafted a Grixis list with this and Rakdos, the Muscle. Rakdos specifically mentions sacrificing another creature, so when both he and the cast copy end up on the battlefield, the state-based action of saccing one triggers him; it's hilarious.

  7. 1:16:57 close games between two Black midrange decks, thus removing the fun of an interactive game by putting it in a pile of miserable one tone decks. Rotation needed to happen, Gix and Sheoldred needed to be banned.

  8. Idea for Against the Odds:

    Return the Favor copying the trigger of Arcane Bombardment, if you have a copy of Return the Favor and a treasure making spell under it (Flick a Coin/Big Score) you can go infinite and draw your deck.

    Urabrask or Quintorius turn your looped Bombardment spells into damage.

  9. As several times you mention Doubling Down on a Double Down and not being able to play Legends, I would love to see this deck "Doubled Down" with the addition of Mirror Box, rebuilt around Legends.

  10. My initial thought about Double Down was basically "ah, so you plot an outlaw on turn 2 and 3 and then drop Double Down and cast both of them and get a huge board" but it turns out the outlwas you can plot on turn 2 and 3 are actually pretty bad… that does make it a bit more awkward to play and i suddenly understand why i haven't seen more of it.


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