I don’t EVER recommend planting this plant.


44 thoughts on “I don’t EVER recommend planting this plant.”

  1. My neighbor grew peppermint 6yrs ago and now I can't get rid of it. It came under the fence 4yrs ago and now I find new plants on every side of my house. It's like a VERY INVASIVE weed, but it does smell delicious when cut.😊😊

  2. same goes for trumpet vine. it looks almost identical to wisteria, but has orange trumpet-shaped flowers.
    I have seen wisteria in the shape of a bush. probably a lot of maintenance.

  3. I live in Louisiana. Around late March every year the wooded areas along the sides of roads turn purple overnight. Wisteria blooms are everywhere.

    I imagine if you traced it back far enough, you’ll find it originates in an old home site and there are daffodils all over as well.

  4. Stop…you need to differentiate between Asian Wisteria (Wisteria floribunda that you're showing here and is the definition of invasive) and native Wisteria (Wisteria frutescens), which can be aggressive, but it's native and the host plant for the Long Tailed Skipper. Differentiation between the two is absolutely necessary

  5. Omg!, so true. I had a wisteria tree in my yard and was tired of cutting it back, so chopped it down, poured gas on the stump and burned it. It still came back with a vengeance!

  6. My back courtyard has a concrete floor with a thick beam pergola style roof that goes from wall-to-wall above the courtyard. I jackhammered a section out of the concrete and planted a grape vine in it and trained it up. It fully covers the Pergola now and it’s absolutely amazing; once a year I get up on the roof and trim it away from the house and do a little maintenance.

  7. I can personally vouch for that. Once it takes over, it's very difficult to kill. If you are an avid gardener and plan on being out there every single day trimming it and monitoring it, you may be able to get away with it, but the one I had took over an entire tree and killed it.

  8. Wisteria as absolutely taken over a large portion of the highway near where I live. It’s beautiful in the spring with the purple flowers however I eats huge trees and I just noticed it’s climbing on the near by houses !!

  9. Holy eff. Sick of these videos. Anything has the potential to be invasive. Wisteria is invasive in your climate, in your location. It grows fine and well behaved all over the rest of the world.

  10. Took me three years to clear out a wisteria that previous renters let grow wild. I pulled up surface roots that were 30’ long. Still have 2-3 sprouts every summer….5 years later.

  11. You forgot to mention the crazy way it distributes it’s seeds. The seed pods build up pressure and then explode open in an effort to spray/shoot the seed away from the mother plant. It’s crazy.

  12. In SWFL, it's passion fruit vine. It grows everywhere. When I see a people buying seeds for it, it blows my mind. It's absolutely beautiful which you mentioned about this plant lol but it's annoying sometimes lol


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