I can't stop WINNING in Season 9

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Editor: @projectzeeno
Thumbnail: sound_gfx


44 thoughts on “I can't stop WINNING in Season 9”

  1. Does anyone have aiming tips with Zenyatta? I feel like that’s the one place I struggle. I don’t like practice range because my opponents don’t move like the bots there

  2. It's almost like the dps anti-heal encourages use of natural cover over reliance on healers 🤔 Well played, ow team.

    (Awkwards heal attempts only sustain his teammates while they break for cover)

  3. I think it would be a cool idea for you to watch your replays but from enemy perspectives and explain what went wrong for them and how they should have played differently! Also thank you so much awkward your content got me from gold in all roles to diamond in all roles in two seasons 😀

  4. The other day i had a mercy with 13k healing and i told them to dmg boost and they said no because they are already carrying the game with highest heals. I was playing soljorn 😂 Im fighting out of these ranks but i just cant seem to climb. They are all dummies but somehow im doing something fundamentally wrong to not dominate my games. I ran 36-4 and lost. Other dps ran 18 elims. Enemy ran around 16-20. I just don't know why i deserve gold plat. And sups dont heal for shit. They just heal bot the tank and play too far fwd. Im never seen when i off angle or play high ground or cover. My sup are always way outta position for my play style. In masters i do fine. But these ranks on my alt account i can't climb it

  5. Ppp try and use these fundamentals but awkward doesn't explain the strat thoroughly. Can you always flank at anytime? No. Should you just tunnle vision on damage? No be aware of your alies needing help, who do you orb if everyone's currently full hp going into a fight? Most ppl orb tank but why? You have a genji about to dash. Orb him. There's tons of tiny things he does to achieve the high winrate. Most the ppl watching just throw on zen and become crappy dps morias that are never in position to heal and flank when enemy is about to ult and end up dpsing on backline 1v5 after their team is dead. Its not simple as it looks. Game sense is a massive thing

  6. I ended a comp game with 15k damage and 9k healing with zen and I just kept getting flamed by this rein that said I was trolling and that I had to stop doing so much damage and heal something lol, I can't believe I have this kind of animals in my matches still, a bit sad

  7. Hey, I placed my tank today and I ended up gold 2 (used to be gm) I currently have 27 kill per death with orisa (my main) I don't know what to do I play with people with negative ratio I can't carry that hard its a team game

  8. the game needs work still i dont think if a teammate leaves that has to count as me losing im tired of getting loss streaks because i cant get a team that will finish a game first match i had a leaver and it counts as a loss then it happens two more times in a row its super annoying

  9. why binge watch that new netflix series when u can binge watch Awkward instead. 🥴 at this point, i hear awkward's voice even when im asleep lol thanks for all that you do for us noobs 😭

  10. I haven’t had the time to play much comp in season 9 but I watched one video by you and tried applying it and climbed from high plat/low diamond to masters in about 2 days. Thank you for opening my eyes to the reality of the game.

  11. I don't fully agree about the part at around 45 min where a chatter says "the hitbox changes affect everyone so your rank relative to other people stays the same" because a lot of people are OTPs and the relative difficulty of getting value from their character's kit is affected differently by the changes. E.g. moiras aren't really doing any more damage than before, because their lockon beam and bouncy ball of doom were basically guaranteed value even for crap players. Meanwhile someone like Bap benefits massively from the changes. Even mediocre bap players (e.g. me) are deleting people this season, to the point where I've dropped Ana almost entirely to play him + zen.

    Which is not to say Moira is bad atm, she benefits a ton from the hp changes.

    One way of looking at the changes is: They've shrunk the gap between "easy to get value" characters and "hard to get value" characters.

  12. If you ever get a chance could you do a video on Lifeweaver? I’d like to think I’m a great Lifeweaver but these constant losses on competitive make me think otherwise and it’s just getting very discouraging to continue, I could always just continue with Moira but I’m not challenging myself nor gaining actual skill by using Moira I feel-
    So I just need some tips and tricks for Lifeweaver, I’m using all his skills too but yeah I just can’t seem to get many wins :/


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