I built this for a subscriber!

Thanks for joining me on this trip to California. In this video, I will detail a custom king size floating bed frame that I built for one of my subscribers and take you on an amazing journey past the beaches and grapevines to Sequoia National Park where I will show you the largest living organism on planet Earth, the General Sherman.

I’ll update this written description with a lot more very useful information soon. Thanks for your support and patience.


19 thoughts on “I built this for a subscriber!”

  1. Being first makes me feel like a California King (no pun intended). Man, this is is such a great travel, and you were able to share your project in real time with a Subscriber!!! Thanks for sharing!! Can wait to see you’re next video with the gators, jajaja. You’re wild, man. Be safe!!!

  2. Three weeks later, and I still smile every single time I walk into my bedroom and see my perfect bed. Add to that an epic weekend of being alongside Curtis as he experienced a bucket list item (seeing the General Sherman sequoia tree for the first time… biggest living organism on Earth)… AND making what seems like a lifelong friend, well… how can it get better?

    Y'all can see in every comment Curtis makes… he is kind, he is moved by how YouTube brings together people from around the world, and he genuinely enjoys being generous with his help and expertise. What I love about this DIY channel is that it is so accessible… Curtis builds like my dad taught me (but better): Simple enough to get the job done, calculated enough that people who know would be impressed (and people who don't know are blissfully unaware because it functions so well), and pretty enough to have some unique features without tripling the build time. When I saw that combination of factors, plus his eagerness to connect with his followers and help in that genuine way of his… I knew I'd be safe reaching out with this crazy idea… (Skip down to the arrows >>> if you don't want to read the backstory.)

    Backstory: I had injured my shoulder, so I couldn't shop for and transport the wood or build, but still really wanted the underlit floating bedframe I'd been eyeing for almost two years! So I initially reached out to Curtis to see if he could prep all the wood and ship it to me. I knew it would still be cheaper than other bed frames I was looking at in stores. However, the shipping option still cost so much that it was $600 cheaper for me to find Curtis an inexpensive flight and bring him here! Obviously, the least expensive option with my shoulder would be to buy the insanely inexpensive build plans from Curtis and pay someone locally to do it, but during our first phone call to discuss this out of the box travel idea, it became clear that this trip should definitely happen!! Both of us would benefit…

    Curtis would get to learn about new, entrepreneurial ways of thinking (I've been self-employed my whole life), like how flying someone across the country to build me a bed can get him a chance to check off a bucket list item, WHILE earning him money, while hopefully inspiring other folks to bring him to their towns, to inject more travel+ fun+ new perspectives+ new connections+ new conversations into his life. While here, we got to talk about his huge learning curve and accomplishments on YT… he is now teaching me a more effective and systematic way to manage my YT channel (and I have a video with 9.8 million views!). And after all those productive talks on all those hours of car rides, we then got to experience some pretty exquisite nature in California. I'm SO glad we both said yes to this amazing opportunity together… YT definitely provided a way for two people who never would have met to become fast friends.

    >>> Curtis was creative; he came up with 3 different designs, taking into account every special request I had. He got on each planning call with ideas drawn out and emailed to me ahead of time. He was accommodating; even when I remembered new details (and so had new requests) after his initial plan, he was able to be flexible, and gracious about it the whole way! He really was committed to making this build successful, meaning… exactly what I wanted. He was super calculated (regularly doing math that I can't do) and prepared. His verbal skills exceed his math skills… he checked in with me as the build progressed, he listened, and in times someone else might have gotten frustrated, he took it in stride. We even had some (not serious) misunderstandings, and his empathy and listening and course-correction is what really showed me how lucky I was to stumble on such a freakin' awesome new friend!!! Dude. He was a STRANGER in my HOUSE from far away, willing to crash on an air mattress in my living room, and I felt COMPLETELY comfortable with him. The dude rocks. Quality people.

    I hope more of you want him to build you a bedframe. Meet this epic human. He'll restore your faith in humanity.

  3. I really liked this, (I grew up a block over from C Love, know him since we were kids).. You grew up right man. You both are awesome and renew my faith in humans. Great video and her commentary paired so cooly!! Had to come back and say this was so awesome, inspiring. That tree is massive yo, wow! Cali is beautiful!! Be good y'all, Peace n thnx!!

  4. Hey, awsome build. You actually passed Visalia on your way up to the sequoia which is where im from. I'm actually going to build a king size floating bed and got some pointes… thanks


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