I became a Resident Evil FAN in 3 DAYS (and so can you)

I count down the hours till RE4R comes out

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#residentevil #residentevil2 #residentevil3 #leonskennedy #jillvalentine #claireredfield #carlosoliveira #residentevil4


38 thoughts on “I became a Resident Evil FAN in 3 DAYS (and so can you)”

  1. I think people fixate on the cheese and memes when they stop playing. Like "Mr. X. Gonna give it to ya" and "Bitch can't even swim".
    You should definitely play RE7 and the original RE4. It's really worth playing instead of waiting for the Remake.
    Imo, getting sucked into the black hole that is all the games is a great experience. Except for RE6, unless you want to experience a Michael Bay movie in video game format.

    I also recommend the CG movies. They're canon to the games' story but you're not missing anything if you don't watch them.
    The Live Action movies are not connected but i personally recommend watching atleast the first 2.

    Always great to have another RE Fan!

  2. I have to tell you as an avid fan
    While the remakes are great you’re also missing out a lot by not playing the original games
    They’re still good games and look really good under the new light but there’s just something so special about the original games
    Yes they have Tank controls and all but if you wanna get practice with that play Og resi 4 and then just play the classics while imagining the camera is still behind your character

  3. Resident evil.. Lord, I got Introduced by my brother at the age of like, 7 I think? Anyway. Resident evil 4 Is the first game I've actually ever played, Genuinely when I first played the resident evil 2 remake, Pretty sure I cried a little. Especially at the ending part. I genuinely think resident evil is the best horror game franchise, The characters. Not just the coolness of like, Leon, Ada, Jill or chris. It's the personalities, They're real people with real emotions. Even the older games, Ada's dress In re4 I believe genuinely has meaning, (The butterflies standing for transformation and hope,) Right after her supposed death and leon's mourning. Resident evil got me Into horror, It's literally why I like cheesy horror movies, It's why I LOVE HORROR.

    I don't think people realize what resident evil has done for gaming, It created survival horror, It is survival horror. It created It, It's what people think about when you have a conversation about survival horror. I genuinely think resident evil 2 remake Is a perfect remake, It's so great. Both scenario's are good. I'm so excited for resident evil 4 remake, I pray they do It justice, Anyway. I love this franchise with all my heart, You did a great job on this. Thank you,

  4. I've played every single RE game on release day going back to the very first on the PlayStation 1. I'm pleased to see the remakes/reboots bringing in new fans, fans are the lifeblood of the series and the more followers buying the games then the more games we will get.

  5. As an RE and survival horror super fan, I can tell you this vid hits the nail on the head. Also happy to here you are as exited about RE4 remake like me. The original RE4 is considered by many one of the greatest {videogames} of all time.

  6. As someone who has also recently gotten into Resident Evil, I can agree with all of the points you made. RE2 and RE3 remakes are both excellent games and truly define their genre. However if you decide to play RE7 just know you’re in for a real treat. The jump to first person is amazing and the gameplay is just as good, it also truly embraces the horror aspect of the series as it holds some of the most horrifying experiences I’ve had playing video games 😂

  7. I've been a Resident Evil fan since 1998 and it is so refreshing to hear a new fan as earnestly excited for this series as I was during those first playthroughs. Great video!

  8. I know some RE Purist channels that are gonna be triggered with this. Ever since RE4, it seems like those people want this franchise to fail and die, just because their beloved tank controls and fixed camera are gone. Why is it so hard to just like both the classics and the new ones, and still be a Resident Evil fan?

  9. Gotta play arguably THE best remake ever made in REmake1 to really call yourself an RE fan. No cut content, only added content, a game objectively better than the original it was remaking in every way. Something that took the best it had available and formed a gem, using Mikami's years of experience as a horror vet. As a gamer you should also understand tank-controls. If Dark Souls can get away with "Git Gud", than people should have no excuses for not trying out the older games.

  10. i didnt hear for resident evil until april 2019 when i saw one yt video of all cutscenes from claire' story in re2 on recommended and i was fascinated but for some reason i didnt play it until june 2020 and it was so good i was just doin leon, claire, leon, claire esc. and i became fan, as now november 2022 i conpleted re2, re3, og re4, re6, re7a and now thinking about buying re8 ore re5. i thought its best time to play og re4 while waiting for remake so i can like rate remake on some other aspects i recommend it to you.

  11. As a old resident evil head that is still in love and obsessed with the series now as I was back then, I recommend you definelty look into playing the older titles! Tons of fascinating lore and adventuring to be done! 😀 have fun getting more into the series!

  12. I also became a RE fan very quickly when they where on sale this Halloween PLEASE do yourself a favour and play the RE1 remake you will LOVE it the mansion in witch it takes place is a MASTERPIECE so if you have learned one thing from this comment its YOU NEED TO GO SPEND THAT £16 ON THE GAME RIGHT NOW

  13. Very nice video mate, I'm a long-time fan of RE and couldn't have summed up the two REmakes better myself. Not sure if you stream but I'd love to watch you take on RE7. It's a different beast to 2 and 3 but a solid game all the same. Welcome to the RE family (son) 🤣

  14. If you liked those remarks I highly recommend you play the resident evil 1 remake and resident evil zero it sticks to the traditions and play the superior originals are better than the remakes

  15. I'm a huge resident evil van and I have both next-gen consoles and I have all the remakes in all the residential games on both next-gen consoles and it really seems like they're going the right direction with the resident evil series

  16. Ngl this was a great video, It's always interesting to see a new fans perspective. Either way I thought this video was well made and some re games I recommend are re1 remastered, 4 og and remake and also obviously 7 and 8 but I think all resident evil games have their charm

  17. Man if you like leon play the original resident evil 4. It may have some clanky controls compared to RE2 remake but it's a pretty good game. Playing re4 Remake after knowing the original will be very cool too

  18. I got into the RE franchise because my friends were playing RE4 when they brought their laptop to school back in 2019. I decided to give the game a try and now I have played all the mainline games except for RE0 and Village. If you have the time play the remake for the first RE game, it's the perfect survival horror game in my opinion.


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