I AM WELL Church Sermon #35 "The Great I AM's Good Creation" (Part 10: Created Beings)

I AM WELL Church Sermon #35 “The Great I AM’s Good Creation” (Part 10: Created Beings)

Recorded 11. feb. 2024

We transition from focusing on the shape of the earth and the world that the Lord created for us, and begin to study the created beings: Mankind, Nephilim, Chimera, Wild Beasts, and the Great Trees! Not only have the wicked kings lied to us about the earth in which we live, there has also been much that has been hidden from us about the history of created beings. Prophecy seems to indicate that many of the created beings that we don’t presently see (like giants and human-animal hybrids) will be making a return in the last days. If this happens are we all doomed to these entities that are more power than us physically? Or is there a way for the remnant to claim authority over these beasts? Tune in for last-days training to prepare for the insane days ahead!

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All comments answered with this channel LOGO is answered by me, Brother Søren (Denmark – EU) and NOT by Pastor Dean Odle. I do not pretend to speak for Pastor Dean, but will try and reply to comments the best I can and in-line with Pastor Deans teachings. My personal opinions however, does not necessarily reflect those of Pastor Dean.

Thank you and God bless you all.

-Brother Søren

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3 thoughts on “I AM WELL Church Sermon #35 "The Great I AM's Good Creation" (Part 10: Created Beings)”

  1. When you said the stars are angels singing that will fall to the earth…so those couldn’t be God’s holy angels. But Satan’s fallen angels don’t sing God’s praises. I’m confused.


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