I am sorry.

Asmongold Clips / Asmongold Reacts To: “Streaming Is More Draining Than Regular Jobs” Situation

On this Asmongold Clips Youtube Channel you’ll never quit finding all the funny Asmongold Moments with Mcconnell and the best Asmongold Highlights from the most popular games, like: Baldur’s Gate 3, Starfield, Blizzard’s Diablo 4, Dragonflight & Hardcore Classic WoW, the record breaking MMORPG FFXIV, Path of Exile 2, sneak peeks from Gameplay of the upcoming Riot MMO and playthroughs of many other popular games like Hogwarts Legacy, Final Fantasy 16, Elden Ring and more. Also Asmongold Reacts to a lot of content, such as World Record Speed Run of games, Blizzard Drama, “Asmongold AI”, VTubers, and videos of some of the most interesting creators like penguinz0, Internet Historian, Emiru, Dunkey, Linus Tech Tips and more. Asmon is also known for his “The True Story of Asmongold”, “Asmongold $2 Pizza” and “Asmongold $2 Steak” videos, the legendary Transmog Competitions and Mount Off competitions, Ban Appeals, Media Share streams, Reddit Recap Reactions and much more.

► Asmongold TV: https://www.youtube.com/@AsmonTV
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Editor: Daily Dose of Asmongold
[email protected]


31 thoughts on “I am sorry.”

  1. No offense but bros never worked a job but streaming. A lot of us can say we don’t know what it’s like to stream everyday but these guys know nothing about our ‘normal’ lives.

    When 99% of people would trade jobs with you, but you won’t trade jobs with 99% of people, you probably have a pretty damn good job…

  2. I'd imagine some neckbeard gamer that sits on his ass all day leeching off of other people's content would struggle to understand what a REAL job would do to someone, seeing as he's never experienced anything like it.

  3. Yo Asmond, remember dude… Any publicity is good publicity… So for all the negative shit going on, publicity bro… More people are now going to be speaking the name asmongold than ever before… = gains… Keep it real bro, love your content through the good times and crazy times… There's no negative times, this will eventually equate to dollars baby lol.

  4. Asmongold is a manchild. 0 life experiences, but wanna come out and say what's "hard" and what's not.

    GTFO dude, only in this day and age someone like him is even relevant in a society

  5. “Oh no it’s so horrible to play video games in front of a screen for a living” homie I’ve worked nights where I was soaked to my underwear in water because I had to take trash out in the rain only halfway through the shift. You better believe I didn’t get payed to do that like asmon does.

  6. If Hasan had just said “something that isn’t really discussed enough is just how much streaming for long hours each day drains you”, I doubt people would be upset.

    But instead, he chose to be an out of touch jackass and compare his job to a regular Joe Shmoe who has to constantly worry about bills and housing and food.

    Anyone with half a fucking brain can see that he was wrong for this comparison. I’m sure streaming is hard but there are people who are actually struggling so anyone defending Hasan and especially those who are huge streamers who make money off of their audience, take your talking to.

  7. Look, I can understand getting tired by being an entertainer. I won't deny that there is a fair amount of pressure and burnout associated with it. But comparing that drain to manual labor, or to an unfulfilling 9 to 5, is idiotic for multiple reasons. There's a reason people would kill to have a job like that.


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