Huntsville Says No Homeless Allowed (Texas)

It’s really sad that here in Texas, where I am born and raised that people that are in a lesser position are refused access to be able to become in a better position. Let me know what you think about these officers in the comment section and if you think that their city ordinance is constitutional. Thank you for the continuous love and support, original link will be below if you would like to see the entirety of this continent, And don’t forget that you have the right to redress and if you choose to do so, please do so peacefully. Thank you for the continuous love and support and I will see you on the next one, much love world.

Original video link

Police Department contact info
Number (936) 291-5480


49 thoughts on “Huntsville Says No Homeless Allowed (Texas)”

  1. I think you have to be a certain level of stupid to be a cop, cause if your too smart it would ruin qualified immunity and they couldn't use the stupid card. That's all that qualified immunity is a stupid card they get to play when they're too stupid. If they were smart they'd have no excuse.

  2. I would love for this officer to try an approach me in this manner telling me I got the wrong one. And I do plan on traveling through Texas on my motorized bicycle with my two cats all while running my channel on YouTube and I will stop in Huntsville Texas now and fly signs and we will see if they want to act like treasonous domestic terrorists with me because I'm sorry I am definitely not the one and I will not back down and I will not be treated like garbage and then treat the person with respect because I give what I get until I get differently in return. And if the ignorant tyrant officer is reading this then this next statement is directly for you. You're the one who is mistaken and has the wrong ones now considering you are now exposed for the world to see how corrupt an unamericans you truly are

  3. Well then according to that ignorant officer claiming that holding a sign advertising that you need a job is somehow soliciting yet that would mean that any business that has a sign posted that they are hiring is then soliciting and violating that same exact law including the police department when they advertise that they are hiring. So if they want to use ignorant retarded cop logic they might want to work on it a little more before trying to use it because the ignorant cop logic they tried to use obviously is too far-fetched and not based in any kind of fact especially considering the US supreme Court has already deemed soliciting and panhandling from the homeless as constitutionally protected free speech. They even go as far as to compare it to the boy and girl scouts selling their cookies and popcorn and salvation army door bell ringers posting up asking for donations at grocery stores. Per the supreme Court it is seen simply as requesting charitable donations from the public which is one-hundred-percent constitutionally protected activity under the first amendment freedom of speech.

  4. This Cop is a perfect example of how Cops do their jobs . They create a Fake narrative (they lie ) and within this fake narrative , the Cop has you breaking some fictious law , that allows him to arrest , or ticket you , for no crime . When you don't bow to their unlawful commands, they will escalate the encounter, with intimidation and threats .

  5. Begging for money or services has been determined by the supreme court to be first amendment speech. It's called a charitable appeal for funds. Dicks

  6. I tried to politely call and redress my grievances with the department and I ended up with someone claiming simply to be the assistant chief with no name no badge number no nothing. He decided to cop a massive attitude and get aggressive with me and eventually threatened to retaliate against me across state lines for daring to exercise my rights and call him out for acting like a tyrant. Him and his staff also kept telling me that basically they'll do what they want and I have to exercise my rights the way they dictate them to me and that I have no say in the way I exercise my rights basically. I am now waiting on the city manager to give me a call back and we will see what they have to say in about an hour. If I hear back I will try to remember to come back and let you know what's said. I will also personally be visiting there and doing my own thing to expose the corruption if they choose to not fix it.

  7. I don’t get how someone with a public servant job can stop someone that is homeless that trying to get a job and asking for food and money on public property.. Huntsville Texas is becoming like Houston Texas.. where you can’t feed the homeless.. all while these cities get $4,000 a month for every homeless person.. it’s ironic that a person paid by the taxpayers can stop someone and tell them they don’t have a right to stand in public asking for work.. the illegals do it everyday at Home Depot parking lots and the cops never tell them to go away..being homeless is not a crime..

  8. What this dope should have read was the part where panhandling includes "seeking through a communication … any other purpose to directly benefit an individual" instead of claiming that a "personal favor" includes a job. The municipal code is still unconstitutional because it violates free speech protection. Nobody goes to a job interview and asks the hiring manager to do you a personal favor and hire you

  9. 14 th amendment equal protection under the law makes panhandling laws unconstitutional. These policies are why the court has ruled. Rule Public Servants

  10. Law stands for logic. It's only logical that the public have access to walk on public easement. If you have car trouble there must be a lawful means to stand off the road out of traffic β›”. They just don't want to learn the law. It's inconvenient.

  11. His Threats are NOT ACCEPTABLE…..HE NEEDS TO BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY…..HE NEEDS TO BE LOOKED INTO FOR SURE…..FREE SPEECH IS NOT solicitation that ordinance doesn’t mean shit, and will never stand up in fucking court

  12. Another uneducated freaking tyrant who thinks he's the law and trying to intimate him always making up crap to harass him with 🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬

  13. Another uneducated freaking tyrant who thinks he's the law and trying to intimate him always making up crap to harass him with 🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬🀬

  14. Homeless in america are DOOMED the corrupt system created this problem and now they dont give a FUCKING rats ass about homeless and cities and towns all over america unless there is profit.

  15. Officer does know better but he has a badge which he feels gives him all the authroity he wants to exercise his will to make this person leave, he knows the law does not, but see with the badge officers feel they are entitled to do what ever they want and most times there is no just consequences, but more and more now with people learning to film, their dictarian methods that they are use to using is vastly becoming obsolete l, so they try to use other methods to enforce their will. Solicitation of a trusspass does not come from a officer, so he is not entitled to go ask for it, hes hoping this will scare the citizen to bending to his will. If this fails he will try anouther tatic, till he gets his wants met. He go all the way to a goal of arresting a person to feel satisfied.
    This is a very mentally ill law enforcement officer, most can not be corrected.

  16. The constitution states you can ask for charitable help, just that you can not be a continues bother to anouther, thats the law they refer to but call it soliciting but they never tell you the full definition of it, they always claim any person has broken it automatically.

  17. A sign saying needing work/job is absolutely not soliciting, this is why officers are not free to make a judgment, which the law clearly does not support. Cop on the phone is a idiot!
    So good bye girl scouts, school fund raisers, no more trick or treating. See with out specifics thus leaves officers to the interpretation of the law anyway they see fit and that is not illegal law. Can nit override our rights, which the constitution was writen to protect.

  18. A sign saying I need a job is protected under your 1st amendment speech.This officer is totally inadequate to interdictate the law so openly and needs to specifically read each definition..

  19. Kidnapping is their profession. Terrorizing the public is their goal.
    Lying is their forte.
    Evil is their intent.


    Keep up the great work @NEWSNOWNINJAGONZO and stay safe people.

  20. Just to let you know door to door soliciting can be illegal because it's private property but being on the side of a road which has to have a public easement no matter what that's law you can hold up a sign asking for money and they cannot arrest you because it's protected under the free speech that would open them up to a lawsuit and this officer was clearly harassing an escalating hopefully a lawyer will see this and be glad to pick up the case Texas is one of the worst states with tyrants one of the worst


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