Hungary trashes its men, then begs them to come to the rescue

To the men watching this video: Hungary isn’t concerned for its male citizens. It only cares what the male citizenry can offer it. There is zero for men to support a society which will dump them as soon as they are no longer useful


16 thoughts on “Hungary trashes its men, then begs them to come to the rescue”

  1. Hungary realizes it "needs" men because they are in for some hard times (along with the rest of the EU), don't be surprised when even Nordic countries start begging (demanding) men come back to the treadmill once hard times hit (the economic crisis caused by the Ukraine war).

  2. 1:17 is just another way of saying we don't want to force women (beat them into "shape" like we normally do to boys) to do actual work, women are just there to take the prizes. They need actual work done and don't have the luxury to entertain w mens bull sh*t, men never want to hold women to account for their mediocrity and bad behavior.

  3. Oh no, not this Tradkor Orban again. Why is it that they can never blame vvomen for their dreaded decline in marriage and birthrates and always need to ask men to step up? The facts are open to find for anyone now with the internet that it's vvomen who don't like marriage, family or children.

  4. Everytime someone like that Hungary dude pops up and talks about how they're "concerned about a men's issue" or a "problem with men in modern society", I always ask them a question: are you going to join a men's group and fix it.

    The moment they say "no, because blah blah radical. blah blah traditional roles. blah blah no time " that's when I stop the conversation.

    Any man who cares about men's issues will join and support a men's group that helps men. Anything other than that is a "fake concern".

  5. Tradcons: Oh vvomen, you are deceived by leftists, we tradcons will liberate you!

    Leftists: Oh vvomen, you are oppressed by tradcons, we leftists will liberate you!

  6. @2:57 you can likely explain this partly by the fact that women naturally prefer socially intensive jobs — esp ones with children (though this does not change or disprove that the profession is very hostile towards men. my experience attests to it)

  7. I think this deliberate attempts to sabotage whatever countries that could provide a male-preferential/male safe space.

    Flooding the second world countries with people from third world countries leave those areas untenable, should men going their own way decide to try to flee to a country where they can survive and thrive.

    First world countries are deep state dystopias. They're ruining second world countries, knowing that third world countries are untenable.

    Just trying to keep the male herd from leaving the plantation and leaving them only one option: to get sacrificed in the meat grinder for the degenerate world.


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