Humans Don't Give a F*ck l HFY Stories l SCI FI Stories

“Welcome to ‘Indifference Chronicles,’ where we fearlessly explore the unfiltered truths of human behavior and societal norms.

In a world where apathy reigns supreme and indifference becomes a badge of honor, our channel serves as a platform for candid discussions, thought-provoking commentary, and unapologetic exploration of the human psyche.

Join us on a journey of introspection and societal critique as we navigate the complexities of human nature and challenge the status quo. From provocative discussions to daring social experiments, ‘Indifference Chronicles’ sheds light on the bold defiance that shapes our world.

Whether you’re a skeptic, a rebel, or simply curious about the intricacies of human behavior, our channel offers a space for free thinking, fearless expression, and unfiltered truths. Subscribe now and join the conversation as we delve into the depths of indifference in ‘Humans Don’t Give a F*ck.'”


5 thoughts on “Humans Don't Give a F*ck l HFY Stories l SCI FI Stories”

  1. You know I have heard many parts of this story in many other stories. I don't know who copied who. My guess this A I had writer's block and bagged the best ideas from other stories and put them all together into this. Oh well " FUCK It". Ha ha.

  2. Started listening to it, struggling to get to 5 minutes & gave up. Utter useless AI, mashed together drivel. Obviously hacked from multiple people/sites/stories. Jumps all over the place (midword, part of the sentence will either leave or start). Just avoid, it's shit 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤬


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