Humanity Rising Day 830: UAP/UFO Reality and Implications II: Retrievals of Tech and “Biologics”

This series is intended to give a solid foundation to the study of one of the most engaging, perplexing, and genuinely mysterious topics of our time — UFOs, now referred to as UAP — Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. Richard Dolan, the world’s premier UFO historian, has been researching this subject for thirty years and is the author of several ground-breaking books on the subject. For many years, the subject of UFOs was shrouded not only in official secrecy, but protected by layers of social ridicule that prevented most people even from considering that it might be a valid topic. Fortunately, the ridicule has mostly dissipated, but the secrecy remains. In this four day series, Richard discusses the factual basis of a genuine UAP/UFO reality, the associated coverup of this reality, many of the deep aspects of what is very likely going on behind the curtain, and finally, where is this all headed?

Full video here:

LECTURE TWO: Retrievals of Technology and “Biologics”

Richard Dolan goes deeper into the weeds by focusing on the covert acquisition of non-human technology and biological organisms. This is close to the heart of the coverup. What are the likely instances of acquisition of UFO technology? What have we learned from prior research into this matter? How far does our covert research likely go?


37 thoughts on “Humanity Rising Day 830: UAP/UFO Reality and Implications II: Retrievals of Tech and “Biologics””

  1. Humanity rising with this? LMAO!
    The I wanna be "UFOlogist's" are the cult leaders of the "Believers".
    Where is the evidence?
    Snake oil sellers. Both of them.
    Richard Dolan and this New age Clown should be ashamed of themselves calling :Humanity rising.
    While SELLING bullshit and lies for ages now.
    Time to call those liars out.

  2. I think there is a very a strong case for nitinol alloy coming from UFO technology. It is the alloy that returns to its original shape. It was officially developed by the Navy in the 1960s. Its development has all the hallmarks of a reverse engineered technology. Anthony Bragalia has a long in-depth article about it on his UFO Explorations website.

  3. Here’s the thing. It’s not really being hidden from us. It’s being hidden in plain sight. Everyone knows what’s going on. It just hasn’t been announced by a leader like a President yet, so it’s not accepted yet “officially”
    But they are not hiding shit !
    Let’s bust this wide open! 👊🏻

  4. I really believe the realization and proof that this phenomena is INTERNATIONAL shows that there’s more to it then not. How else can you have such similar experiences through the whole world of such a thing that supposedly doesn’t exist

  5. ufos (and all phenomena in general) are the universe’s way of making us raise our vibrations so we question reality and shift our awareness towards unity consciousness to level up. ☮️❤️😊

  6. What about day after LA raid ufo, I heard there was a report from US navy whistleblower they recovered a disc with an AA hole in it floating off coast. Note this matches Lazar's description of one of the 9 craft at S-4

  7. My wife and I were passing through Roswell in mid November. We decided to visit the UFO museum. We had been in the museum only for a short while when the power grid in that area went off line. Standing in the darkened building we were disappointed and had to leave without getting to see everything. 😢 The things we did see were worthwhile.

  8. Hard evidence? Show us, the people (“We The People,”) a living, breathing, walking and talking live ET/alien! Until then, it’s a cover up for an agenda. A government agenda to dup the people. “We The People!”

  9. Poor Frederick Valentich was taken and consumed why is his case hardly mentioned when he was reporting back to the Tower at Essendon Airport WTF was happening – all recorded – fact is he was never found or his wreckage to this day – wich is by the way a busy waterway

  10. In 1995, I had a girlfriend who told me about a weird experience she had (when she was about 11 years old) in Boulder, Colorado in the very early 80s when it was a tiny town up against the mountain. Her mom had woken her up and taken her to the window where they stood staring at a classic ufo literally resting on the ground at the base of the mountain in the middle of town. It was silver with a row of lights rotating around the center. They stood there for several minutes(?) in a sort of trance and the mother eventually said “let’s go to bed” while the UFO was clearly still there. The next morning the mom asked if she remembered. She said yes and the mom said “let’s not talk about that again”. She drew me what she remembered the craft looked like. She hadn’t talked to her mom about the experience since it happened. I dropped the subject. When her mom visited, I sat her down and asked her to tell me what happened back in Boulder. She hesitated, but then said she was driving back home from a party way on the other side of town when she saw the UFO at the base of the mountain and she freaked out! She drove like a crazy person way out of the way to avoid the UFO, then she came up to her house and just remembers getting her daughter and the two standing there and the rest is identical. I had her draw the craft and it was identical to what the daughter had drawn for me.

    So what was the UFO (and any possible occupants) doing in the center of that small town in the middle of the night? One can only imagine. Did/Do they do this to lots of other small towns in the middle of nowhere even today?


    More details:

    She described Boulder back then as a tiny town with literally one street running from the mountain & straight through the little town. If you were a mile away on the ground and looking at the town, you’d see the UFO (classic saucer shape, large metallic shell, a row of white lights moving along a line running horizontally across the center of the craft) apparently on the ground right in the center of town and right against the bottom of the mountain. Over on the right side of town was the house where my girlfriend lived back then. The mom was coming back from a party way over on the left side of town and, when she saw the UFO, she freaked out and instead of driving right up to the UFO, she made a right, drove a bit to get away from the ufo, made a left to cut across and then made another left to go to the back side of the house. She ran in and picked up her daughter, my eventual gf, and carried her to the window to look out at the UFO. At that point, they both seem to have gone under some kind of a trance, the mom said, “Hey, <name>, let’s go to bed.” And they did, etc. With a freaking huge UFO in full view of their house! I will try to find some photos online of Boulder back in the early 80s. The “Mork & Mindy” tv show came out a few years earlier and soon thereafter the town exploded in size and looks totally different now. She really wasn’t “into” this topic of high strangeness. She was a lawyer. I really don’t want to call her to get more details because she didn’t end the relationship in a particularly nice way. She’s a complicated person.

  11. In 1997, after my own UFO sighting in broad daylight the word got around a bit & I was told the most incredible story about a healing literally by UFO. A VERY serious man in his late 50s(?) told me with VERY serious, watery & bloodshot eyes that he had a horrible elbow condition after a lifetime of wear and tear and was scheduled to go in the very next morning for surgery. He couldn’t sleep with the pain so he was sitting up on a 45 degree angle pillow. As he lay there he felt something in his elbow. When he looked down, he saw his elbow seemed to be glowing green. As his eyes adjusted, he realized that he was seeing a glowing green tendril of plasma coming from somewhere and entering his elbow. As he looked to the right he saw the green plasma tendril stretching to and through the closed window and reaching all the way to a low hill 1/4 mile away and he could clearly see a “classic” silver UFO partially blocked by the hill emitting the green plasma. He opened his mouth to scream and nothing came out. He tried to reach and shake his wife but couldn’t move. He stopped struggling, realizing he couldn’t do anything and after a minute more or so, he saw the green plasma literally pull back & out of his elbow slowly at first and then quickly all the way back to the UFO and after it reached the craft, there was a slight pause & then he saw that craft shoot up and out of sight so fast that it was a blur. He somehow fell asleep after all of that and woke up, sat up straight and realized he could now move his arm and elbow in ways that he previously couldn’t. He no longer felt pain. He grabbed his wife who thought he was crazy, drove down to the hospital, found his doctor who was shocked since he wasn’t supposed to be there yet, he insisted that he was cured, showed the doctor how he moved, doctor couldn’t believe it, he insisted on X-rays, and the new X-rays showed his elbow was now completely corrected and looked like an 18 year old’s arm, basically. He swore the doctor to silence, went home and didn’t tell anyone until he knew I had an interest in the subject.

    So, not all UFO medical effects are bad, apparently. “They” clearly, some at least, have incredible healing technology. We should think about that before we shoot down any UAP/UFOs. There must be friendly visitors who want to help us, unless we think they were just experimenting on us. I don’t accept that.

  12. One of my favorite ufo/alien related books is “Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien Abduction, UFOs, & the Conference at M.I.T.” By renowned author C.D.B. Bryan. It’s almost 500 pages, includes an interview with John Mack & hypnosis sessions with various abductees conducted by Budd Hopkins. Well worth buying. I have a first edition and the print quality is top notch. It came out in 1995 and the material is as relevant if not more so than ever.

  13. If you’re skeptical about the transistor tech coming from aliens, read “The Day After Roswell” in which very serious military man Philip Corso tells of distributing alien tech like fiber optics & night visions to various defense companies in the early 60s when Corso was the head of the Foreign Technology Division in the Pentagon! Those techs seemingly appeared out of nowhere and fiber optics were basically perfect upon arrival.

    “The first working fiber-optic data transmission system was demonstrated by German physicist Manfred Börner at Telefunken Research Labs in Ulm in 1965, followed by the first patent application for this technology in 1966.[23][24] In 1968, NASA used fiber optics in the television cameras that were sent to the moon. At the time, the use in the cameras was classified confidential, and employees handling the cameras had to be supervised by someone with an appropriate security clearance.[25]” – source: Wikipedia

  14. A conversation about implications is not worth a lot of energy at the moment. The worthy implications are beyond obvious to anyone that's capable of thinking, explaining the implications and giving people a new cosmology is not where efforts need to be.
    Facts, facts, and facts only is what we need right now. We can adjust our world views once we have the facts.
    Otherwise, we are just fueling new religiosity, and promoting the drawing of conclusions without intellectual honesty, and hijacking opportunity to arrive at something pure and better than what we've had up to this point


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