"Humanity is in the dark ages” – Teal Swan Tears Apart Society’s Approach To Trauma, Love, And Life

Teal Swan is a Youtuber and spiritual teacher.

We chat about what childhood traumas lead to narcissism, what a soul retrieval is and how you can do and if claims of remote viewing, ESP and seeing auras are legitimate.

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00:00 Intro
01:09 – Reaction to Theo Von and Tony Robbins Interview
04:16 – How Narcissism Starts
08:59 – Developing the Chronic Manipulation Skill
11:33 – Dysfunctional Family
13:23 – What is Emotional Incest
16:39 – Is It Love or Just an Energy Exchange?
19:42 – The Rigid Idea of a Healthy Relationship
22:26 – This is What Abusive Relationships Do to You
26:41 – Sexual Compatibility Impacts Relationship Compatibility
30:15 – The Difference in Personality Preference
34:45 – Healing Inside a New Relationship
39:18 – What is Soul Retrieval?
44:33 – Little Moments, Huge Impact
50:10 – An Template for Success
55:30 – Diversity and Wokeism
59:57 – Dichotomy Versus Discrepancy
01:03:38 – Human Beings are Overly Identified
01:07:27 – How Can You Inspire Trust?
01:10:17 – Technology is Our Slave
01:13:08 – Ancestral Trauma
01:17:08 – Being Aware of Your Own Gifts
01:23:06 – Where to Find Teal?

Watch the last episode here:

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Or if you want to see our personal stuff:
Instagram: @CharlieHoupert
Instagram: @Hank_daddy


42 thoughts on “"Humanity is in the dark ages” – Teal Swan Tears Apart Society’s Approach To Trauma, Love, And Life”

  1. Nice I liked your podcast with Richard Schwartz from IFS, now Teal Swan from which I did the Completion Process and found that very helpful.
    Have you considered having Gabor Maté and or Bessel van der Kolk on also? Both great trauma experts with decades of experience in the field.

  2. That was one of the best chats with Teal I have watched. The conversation is just flowing. I can tell Charlie is creating a great sense of ease for the guest! I was actively watching every single minute, it was so engaging and educational. I admire how Charlie is able to quickly sum up a segment of conversation or reframe parts of it in a digestable way. Also – Kudos for emphasising practical aspects of topics discussed and asking important questions. I felt like this was a very important conversation, so thank You for making it happen ! Bless!

  3. Such an interesting interview. I still don't see technology as having a soul since it's as previsible as a rock if you truly understand the logic behind it, but I guess we'll see. Although maybe a rock has a soul in her definition.

  4. It's been so interesting following Charlie's journey from Charisma on Command to now having an interview with Teal. It's so cool seeing people, and especially men these days to lead a path like this as an example to others. Makes me think healing oneself is becoming more accessible to all genders 😊 hope in humanity is growing

  5. I think it would be super cool if you got Dr. Daniel Ingram or Frank Yang on the podcast. He wrote Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha, is an all around meditation master, and has started an organization called the EPRC which you might find interesting.

  6. I'm disappointed in him to bring a cult leader to bring into his podcast. I suggest doing a research watching her documentary. I remember when. She came out to youtbe many many years ago I have not liked her since. I am unsubscribing.

  7. She is right discrimination toward are still alive but hidden in the shadow last year i was in the beach in Holland i was so heavily discriminated i had to call the police what was the problem the men never see a black people in the beach that was impossible for him too see incredible 😮😮😮😮

  8. Narcissistic traits are people that self preserve at the expense of others wellbeing. Codependency traits are people that serve others well-being at the expense of themselves. In my theory one person can have traits from both. Narcissism focus on the reason they are grand whereas the codependent focuses on the reason they are inferior. You can see how they usually attract one another.

  9. Regarding templates of success….I don't think it was the formula that was the problem. The passing of the torch and navigating that template was sorely lacking. The expectation given with no instruction. It would be like sending you only a quick PowerPoint over real instruction about how to do something. No real emulation or guidance with context and expecting the same outcome as the seasoned and experienced. Here is a pan..you sear a steak on both sides ……..now go make a medium rare steak *kick*. And wondering why it's burnt and they're disheartened. It wasn't rigged. It was poorly transitioned and outsourced to ineffective means. So yea….a majority would want to tear down the template they themselves didn't understand. Even if a few peers show it is doable The damage is already done and they want revenge. Society oversimplifies, dumbs down, and never really approaches the teaching of the next gen well. "if I did it…why can't you."….and that fuels the bitterness. Some get over it. Many don't.

  10. When Teal says, "If it felt like, your life was decided for you…" Asian kids all over the world felt that 😂
    Being creative and growing up in a South Asian family… what an experience that was 😅

  11. I've been on the fence with Teal Swan, personally I was disappointed seeing Charlie interview her, though ultimately I enjoyed the conversation. There were moments where Charlie could see cracks showing naivety under the facade she's crafted. There were moments where she had genuinely good insights on ego possession and emotional honesty

    Personally, I see this individual as ultimately toxic for people, as she has many great ideas, but almost nothing can be applied realistically on a collective scale. In her world, all men and women would explore every facet of their sexuality, which permeates their consciousness and affects their personality, and let the chips fall where they lie, in hope of creating an evolved society. Due to certain biological realities, this ultimately resolves to polygamous structures where most men are placed at the bottom. On paper, this is theoretically manageable through social conditioning, appropriate steps for aiding mental health, etc. In reality, it will end the world, because we aren't even close to ready for the repercussions that would come from dropping this on an unprepared society. Hell hath no fury like a womanly man scorned

    I'm still looking for a female talking head that I can get behind.. I've come across many women online with strong views on social issues that are eventually thwarted by biases which are unintentionally tightly woven into their perspective, rather than eradicated. We all have our biases, and this will probably read as very sexist, however I honestly don't believe women are capable of grasping the full picture (or approximations of the full picture), by design. Their superpower is a greater affinity for the feminine perspective, the ability to always find the good in the bad, the bad in the good, but this is an inherently reactive process. You can arrive at the truth this way, but you won't know it, as there is no way of verifying you are grounded in reality, whether what you are assigning as good and bad is truly good and bad, assuming a full picture.

  12. Dude the segment with older sibling trauma…I feel that so deeply. My parents shamed me for feeling any kind of jealousy and my family even laughs at a photo taken of me sitting alone at my little sister’s birthday party. It hurts so much and I finally feel so understood. 😄
    I love the part about woke culture. Everyone has prejudices but the problem lies when you do not question those prejudices and where they come from.

  13. Teal where where we can get this needs straightforward? You created whole group of people with who you work. We dont have same ability to create it and as yiu said there is dysfunction and function is rare. I know only Teal who talk about these things openly and clearly so posibly there is no so much people over the globe wich can met our need straightforwardly 😂 sorry but that's reality they will not be happy about us being honest about what we want. I dont say that it is not possible but really rare.

  14. Isn't it fascinating how Teal seems to have all the answers when it comes to addressing our needs straightforwardly? She's managed to build an entire community of individuals who are seemingly functional and in tune with their inner workings. It's almost as if she possesses some rare ability to gather such a group of people, while the rest of us struggle to even comprehend where to begin.

    It's funny how Teal is the only one who dares to openly discuss the dysfunction within society and the rarity of functional relationships. It's almost like she's the lone beacon of truth in a sea of dishonesty and denial. Maybe there really aren't many others out there who can meet our need for honesty and clarity. After all, who would want to risk upsetting the status quo by being too honest about what they want?

    But hey, let's not forget that there's always a glimmer of hope, however faint it may seem. While it may be rare to find individuals who are as forthright as Teal, it's not entirely impossible. Perhaps if we keep searching, we might stumble upon a few brave souls who are willing to embrace honesty and authenticity, even if it means going against the grain.

  15. Sea< Humans "All thoughts come from the brain, manifested in the mind, but influenced by the heart. However, here, the heart is a metaphor for emotions and intuition. There is no heart vs. brain or heart vs. mind as such. There isn’t any thought vs. feeling or logic vs. emotion, either."


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