Humanity First | Terra Invicta Fear The Alien. Hate The Alien. Kill The Alien!

Brothers! the ville xenos scum have come to our world! and lesser men! weaker men! would see us surrender! would see us submit or shirk from that which must be done! But not you! and not I. Together, we will teach them a lesson in territorial integrity. Terra Invicta now and forever

Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

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28 thoughts on “Humanity First | Terra Invicta Fear The Alien. Hate The Alien. Kill The Alien!”

  1. So funny how global warming is often added as “a political thing specifically on Earth” whilst in grand “never ending(time)” sci-fi games there should be all kinds of environmental changes all over the universe. More cold. More warm. Gravity changes. And eventually moving towards black holes.

  2. Xenophobia and a geoscape? Made by the creators of the long war mod for Xcom (which by default fell well short off the original 1994 game, btw another game id recommend in that vein would of course be Phoenix Point)?
    It will cost me over 300.000₲ and im rather busy currently anyways, may wait for a sale.

  3. I still hope the devs expands on the Alien threat. As in variation so it's not the same alien every single time and it'd thusly also stop those 'this is what you need to do and is the most optimal playway and if you do not do it, then you waste time' sorta plays.
    And it might even mean that, yes you might have picked Resistance, but you learn the alien threat that is invading Sol is fleeing from something… ELSE. and perhaps making an alliance with these first aliens is a WAY better idea, and thus your primary goal as The Resistance might end up dealing with the earth factions like The Initiative or Humanity First and prep earth for that OTHER invasion and help lessen aggression against the first aliens so they don't just drop any attempts at cooperation and beat earth into pre-spaceflight and just do all the prep-work on their own.
    Or maybe the aliens are a slavespecies you can choose to help liberate.
    Maybe another alien race arrives mid-late-game and interdicts the hostile aliens…. or perhaps it's just another hostile alien race that hates the first aliens more than you, but aren't gonna be your allies… you're just the backyard of the proverbial gunfight.

    I know that'd be rather complex and such to make and develop, but it'd VASTLY expand the lifespan of the game and the replayability cuz it's not merely 'aliens invade sol – Servants bad, Humanity First semi-bad, Initiative smart-idiots business, Academy overly optimstic smart-idiots, Exodus might have a point, Resistance is XCOM.

    Cuz if there's a lot more diverse 'what kind of aliens are we dealing with, is there OTHER life out there that might pop by, etc.', that means that Servants are GOOD guys if the Alien race that arrives is peaceful or fleeing something WORSE and thusly ideal to co-op with, Humanity First is BAD cuz they are blinded by their anything-not-human-or-earthborn-needs-to-die mentality, The Initiative might be economically troublesome cuz they merely seek to exploit alien Tech and the Academy might be a bit too passive.

  4. Just the constant background chatter of the game talking about needing to "persuade hearts and minds", "we hold no sway in their minds" and "public opinion needs to be swayed" feels like propaganda. It makes me ever more convinced that what people think doesn't matter and you need only tell them what to think and not convince them of anything, they will rationalize it themselves.

    They portray it as cynical realism as in: "Zoinks, you are conducting operations to manipulate le democracy and people, brainwashing them!"" when in reality what a mass of people think does not matter.

  5. The best way to ensure that those off planet colonies don't rebel is, when they reach a certain level of self sufficiency, they are set to made to self-govern and are automatically entered into an alliance or confederation of planets. Every planet has a single vote and are expected to contribute to a defence force via tithes of resources/personnel that protects the whole and are forbidden from engaging in any sorts of politics of any kind. Each planet is expected to maintain it's own defence navy and participate in war games with the over all defence force to maintain competence of both planetary defence fleets and the over all fleet. The war games would be televised and planets that do well would be given a degree of prestige.

  6. If Arch thinks humans are going to be building the first colonies on other planets/space objects by hand even remotely like the colonies of old he is a fool.
    No, colonies in space will either be launched in parts and assembled by robots on site, made from scratch by robots with materials harvested on site, or a hybrid of the two. Sending humans without basic infrastructure in place when they get there would practically be a death sentence.


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