Humanity First | Enemy GMV

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Enemy remix:

Games used: Halo, StarCraft, and warhammer 40k

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49 thoughts on “Humanity First | Enemy GMV”

  1. Holy shit that salut and the end gave me more tingles than any ASMR ever has. This is my attitude to the Avatar movies as-well, humanity first and purge the 9ft tall tribal blue alien scum.

  2. We rose from a insignificant system
    from a insignificant planet
    A insignificant species
    yet against the darkness of the cosmos
    our will burned bright
    and ignited the galaxy,
    -The Imperium of Man.

  3. Avatar is responsible for birthing a generation of smooth brains that views humanity as the villain (fictional or not) because we "don't respect our non human friend's cultures"

  4. Every single species, real or fictional, has an adaptation, a niche, that one thing they in particular are really good at.

    Humanity's adaptation is the ability to adapt, and if you really think about it that is terrifying, you better get us with the first hit, cause it won't work a second time.

  5. Wait aren't we like the tau rn but less advanced in tech? Alot of us are naive and hopedul towards xeno life but if it's out there there's a good chance it's gonna be hostile even if justified or not. Reality can be brutal it's called hopes and dreams for a reason. Not truth and fact even if some think it to be

  6. Remember, for every murderer there is a member of the Humane Society that opens their home to shelter and care for dogs.

    For every greedy con artist there is someone donating money to good charities.

    For every sex trafficker there is someone on their way to help build houses is third worl countries.

    For every sinner, there is a saint.


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