HUGE YAE, THOMA, KUKI BUFFS IN 3.0! Everything We Know About Dendro, New Artifacts, and New Buffs


37 thoughts on “HUGE YAE, THOMA, KUKI BUFFS IN 3.0! Everything We Know About Dendro, New Artifacts, and New Buffs”

  1. Uploaded this on my phone lol and yes Childe is good he might just knock himself out with burgeon self damage

    I'll be streaming when dendros out but for now I'm likely going to focus on testing things on the media server! <3

  2. The most concerning question for me regarding this whole thing is: will Mihoyo put Thoma with the 4-stars I want AGAIN? I have like C20 of the ficker already, and I didn't even wanted him, I was trying to get more stars for my Diona! It's just a plague that he constantly appears on the same banner and hog my primogems. I know its silly, but I can't stand to see his smiling buttface ever since.

  3. The thing I feel like people are missing in the discussion about Kazuha specifically is that, because he can't Swirl Dendro directly, Dendro won't ever be able to benefit from the Elemental Damage Bonus he grants to the Swirled element. This brings down one of the benefits Kazuha has over OTHER Anemo supports, which does mean that he will be less valuable when compared to other Anemo options, in contrast to his current dominance.

  4. I really thought Yae was getting buffed, not hypothetically buffed. Hope it’s good cause I’ve quit the game after they screwed my favorite character

  5. So against a dendro mob (or apply dendro first with the Traveler) -> electro (Fischl, Yae…) then swirl with kazuha (VV) -> rulz. I don't really understand the contribution of the 2 new artifact sets compared to what already exists. Hoyoverse wants us to play EM, archers and shielders, as well as characters that are not very interesting for the moment, but that probably won't be meta. I hope for a bigger change. For now, maybe it will be finally interesting to play 2 PC wanderer on the electro characters… or Sucrose.

  6. To be honest, talking about buffing characters in a roundabout way like this kind of just makes me sad that Mihoyo will never actually buff anyone because they're mean. They are mean, and they personally hate me. You can't prove me wrong!

  7. Just to note, Sayu will be very viable for aggravate teams bc her burst can swirl and apply VV shred without infusing it with electro, iirc it's the only off field ability that swirls without infusion, so copium she will not steal thw aggravate procs

  8. The second set is going to be BiS for Miko but not for Fischl. A lot of Fischl's talents scale off of Attack so Attack is better for her than EM. Conversely, Miko has a talent that increases her Skill Damage based on her EM, so the set will be great for her regardless of who's on your team. The Dendro change really just means Fischl can run Stringless without the substat being useless, but you still want Attack for her talents.


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