HUGE Southern Freeze & Potential Major Snowstorm In The South!! – The WeatherMan Plus

HUGE Southern Freeze & Potential Major Snowstorm In The South!! – The WeatherMan Plus You can support through: My Patreon …


20 thoughts on “HUGE Southern Freeze & Potential Major Snowstorm In The South!! – The WeatherMan Plus”

  1. Wondering just how accurate this is. The Weather Channel show no hint of precipitation of any kind around Christmas and a high of 51. Can anyone confirm is this channel can be trusted over the Weather Channel?

  2. This is exciting for some and deadly for others. I remember what happened in Texas last time it froze there. Power outages, people froze to death.
    I wish all, a safe and sound Merry Christmas.

  3. I liked your report. Great job and thank you for looking out for us. All this weather changes scares me. My lungs were affected by Omicron and had to quit my job. It truly scares me if our city is affected. I just have to leave it in God's hands. Take care.

  4. I ran across your channel looking for weather info, love the great information you give…Thank you its very much needed here in Summit/McComb Mississippi and Louisiana because I’m in tornado alley along 55 off into 98/570/569 I moved here four years ago and I moved along same route and these tornados always seems to take the same path….Gods hand is always on us….Thanks for the news…I’m now a new subscriber….God Bless


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