Huge Pokimane Drama

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#mogulmail #ludwig #pokimane


47 thoughts on “Huge Pokimane Drama”

  1. i dont really care about cookies lol if people dont like the price it won't sell and it will reduce price.

    I don't think sexism has much to do with it. Personally I don't care for pokimane she doesn't come off as genuine, which I feel many poki haters feel as well. So, when things happen like the ninja calling her a "bitch" and she claims sexism, it does not come off as genuine because ninja clearly calls everyone a bitch and it is definitely not targeted at women so it seems like she is just playing the victim and pretending to be innocent. So with the cookie thing its the same deal. Personally I don't think she was joking, I think she meant what she said and thought it would come off as funny. Her response feels like she is pretending to be innocent and not genuine. It would have been much better if she just said "The price is what it is buy it or dont its your choice, sorry if I hurt anyone with what I said, seeing the same comments over and over gets annoying, so I said some things, my bad" Instead of blaming "mean chatters" and "its a joke bro"

  2. "It's because she's a woman." Ludwig is such a fxcking loser. Same with EVERYONE running defense for Poki on ANY of her fxck ups or $hitty behavior with this excuse. So sick of this excuse: "This wouldn't happen if it was a man." IT HAS! LITERALLY MULTIPLE FXCKING TIMES! WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT!? WHAT FXCKING REALITY DO THESE PEOPLE LIVE IN!? And they're still around JUST LIKE POKI IS! So it's not even like her career as a loser streamer is over or coming to an end. SHE'S A WOMAN, LMFAO! The very thing people are claiming to be reason she's being the attack is the very same reason she'll be fine lol. In fact, ALWAYS be perfectly fine and more well off than a man in her same situations lol.

  3. Seriosuly, what reality do you people live in where male online personalities don't get ABSOLUTELY $hit on for actually or perceived as being fxckheads? I can give you an ENDLESS list, but I'll give you 3 right off the top of my head right now:

    1.) Boogie

    2.) WingsofRedemption

    3.) DSPGaming

    And just to rub it in, let me list even MORE, some of these people I even personally like:

    – Andrew Tate

    – Tristian Tate

    – Fresh & Fit

    – Onision

    – Sneako

    – Dream

    – Lionmaker

    – JoeySalads

    – PewDiePie

    – xQc

    – Hasan

    – Destiny

    – Vaush

    – Ben Shapiro

    – Taylor1

    – GreekGodX

    – ice Poseidon

    etc. I can keep going, but this list would literally never end.

    So Ludwig, Poki simps and victim-mentality women online… WHAT FXCKING DELUSIONAL REALITY DO YOU LIVE IN!?

  4. In my opinion, just because her audience wasn’t too offended by it doesn’t make it any better or less outrageous. If we want to take the extreme route, Hitler said some horrible things all the time and his “audience” wasn’t too upset with it. That obviously doesn’t make it any better from an objective perspective. In no way am I saying Pokimane is Hitler, I am just making an extreme analogy to showcase why her audience’s reaction to this is mostly irrelevant to the validity of the criticism she is getting.

    Diverting attention from the criticism by showing channels that are drama farming is irrelevant to the point as well. Drama farming is literally 90% of journalism, and it happens to everyone that is popular nowadays. Claiming that these channels are to blame for spreading this does not relieve Pokimane in any way from how she behaved.

  5. 🛑 half way ..when I noticed you were just repeating yourself over and over and then defended her ….so yeah …..have a nice day and …good luck on your success 🙏👍

  6. At least 60% plus of her viewers give a sh*t. It was a d*mb thing to say, and you dismissing it or trying to downplay it by saying 90% of her viewers don't care which is definitely not true. Anyways this will die down within a week she should just ignore the noise now, she already admitted she shouldn't have said what she said so now I think she should just ignore the noise and host the stream normally until the next d*mb opinion or statement that she gives out.

  7. I feel like Asmon made a very neat and balanced take on this (although bloated, as is all/most react content) and it seems to be shared by Ludwig and to some extend Charlie/Moistcritikal.

    The product is not a scam, you get what the product description says. It may be an overpriced product – and that's always subjective to the individual but market comparisons makes it a luxury product for price range. Pokimane's comments against the "broke boy" was dumb and out of touch to say and it doesn't sit well with many how she played it off as a joke after there was backlash, but in the actual stream she was basically doubling down on the comment. That wasn't a case of "joking with a viewer", that was a mean comment. Playing it off like it was meant to be a joke is disingenuous and also condescending. That's all there is to it regarding Pokimane.
    All the other shit happening around the situation is just drama farming – including when her viewers claim this only happens because Pokimane is a woman. I wish we could leave all that shit out of it.

  8. Normally I agree with Ludwig but I feel that if this was a different youtuber drama and not one of his friends he wouldn't have this opinion where it feels he is pushing aside what Pokimane has done like it's nothing.

  9. I think that the response is so big is that the price point is a legitimate complaint, problem is it came from a troll. It feels as though pokimaine is talking to the poor majority not just one troll and then her apology lack nuisance to the point of almost be a non-apology.

  10. I get you're her friend but she's always been a huge POS. They say she's just a strong woman. You cant call her out or you're sexist. She shows her true colors and then here are her apologists

  11. The sexist claims are wild. If it was about sex why would xQc get roasted for the exact same thing? The watch "I've got your whole house on my wrist" basically became a meme and he got heavily destroyed for it all over the internet. Arguably Pokimane's insult was worse as well because xQc was insulting Ethan another millionaire, rather than as you saw a millionaire from a position of priveledge like pokimane is, insulting a random viewer.

  12. @Ludwig, You can't use google trends as an example. You purposely used "Ludwig Ahgren" instead of just "Ludwig". So I did the google trend " Pokimane vs. Ludwig" and guess who won? You did. In the past 12 months you were bigger than her on most searched. I know you are not that stupid to use "Ludwig Ahgren" instead of "Ludwig". The general people know you as "Ludwig" not "Ludwig Ahgren". You can make your case since you named yourself after a character but I still rest my case that people refer you as just "Ludwig".

  13. "Poki just has a lot of haters"
    Yes lud, it's called being a REALLY huge hypocrite. We agree what she said was horrible, she shouldn't have said that. It's done, someone who has "Fame" should definitely be a little careful with what they say than others like… well you. You may not be as famous as poki, but you'd definitely get less backlash even if you were as famous imo. Regardless, why try to just justify her behavior?

  14. the only thing that poki really has going for her is that shes good looking. other than that, her personality is complete shit lmao. and the reality of it is, most people will overlook her behavior because of how she looks.

  15. I can literally guarantee you she's lying about the quality of the products. just because someone claims it's higher quality doesn't mean it is. I can almost guarantee you it's the same ingredients as the old cookies. her "apology" wasn't even a genuine apology it was damage control. not to mention the fact she isn't actually sorry. her tweet reads more like I'm sorry you idiots didn't get the "joke" she's painting it like she's apologizing to herself on your behalf. even worse is she's pulling out the woman card as if people are hating on the cookies because she's a woman. like no moron people are hating on it because it's overpriced that's all there is to it. people hated on Asmon just as much for star penis and their overpriced under speced pcs


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