Huge oil tanker "shadow" fleet services Russia's oil Global deliveries, evading "Angels" sanctions.


44 thoughts on “Huge oil tanker "shadow" fleet services Russia's oil Global deliveries, evading "Angels" sanctions.”

  1. What the fuck did they expect? This is energy we are talking about — you can't go round blocking whole countries access to it. Are the kidding? What moron thought this would be a good idea — blocking and capping oil and gas from Russia? What a fool!

  2. The largest tanker fleet is owned by the Japanese company Mitsui with a fleet of 930 and the largest fleet of very large tankers is owned by Saudi Arabia with 42 two of the largest tanker companies are registered in Bermuda with owners unknown but are listed on the New York Stock Exchange which gives the US power over them. The US and EU have tried to control the actions of tanker owners by sanctioning insurance companies if they insure those carrying Russian oil and banks for facilitating payments but with Russia sanctions off SWIFT and not accepting payment in Petrodollars the US has no way of tracking who is buying Russian oil except by tracking the tankers but that is foiled by the oil being transferred at sea as with the oil the US steals from Syria. Greek tankers are playing a major role in such transfers after they have shipped it out of the Black Sea. So the US has a much chance of controlling the movement of Russian oil as they have of bottling moonbeams.

  3. Greek tankers are experts on this. For same tanker load there will many Origin, ownership, destination certificates. This changes as and when it goes to the first destination. The tanker will not be unloaded but new certificates issues. Otherwise, there will be no oil transport from anywhere to anywhere in the world. All governments are involved in this and close their eye.

  4. A ‘strong BRICS’ is all set to annihilate the hegemony of the Petrodollar;

    BRICS is the powerful association of five major emerging economies namely Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa; The group represents 41 percent of the global population, 24 percent of the global GDP, and around 16 percent of the global trade; All the member nations have been holding annual meetings since its formation in 2009; This year the 14th annual meeting of BRICS nations was held virtually in China

  5. election day in USA , CLEARLY shows decisive win for new leader of house Kevin McCarthy , Michigan govenor runs neck in neck ,first time 59 yrs, NO SUPPORT for war in Ukraine either in USA OR U.K. think Z alone , Z cant walk streets for fear angry father whos son killed , Z all done go to his Hacienda in BOLIVIA ,Raise cows or something even in USA mood shifted your not hero your little boy in mans body acting part of leader, election novembe 8 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the 9th bring bright sunny day,

  6. "law enforcement" ?! Haha Emil ! WHAT law ? The US Murica law ? That is ONLY on the USA territory, outside that, murica has no right to impose ANYTHING – you may want to switch that "law of force" because this murican arrogant attitude has nothing to do with international law but yes, with the law of wild west.

  7. Russian economy smaller than North Korea (but they do feel very important🤣):
    United States: $20.89 trillion
    China: $14.72 trillion
    Japan: $5.06 trillion
    Germany: $3.85 trillion
    United Kingdom: $2.67 trillion
    India: $2.66 trillion
    France: $2.63 trillion
    Italy: $1.89 trillion
    Canada: $1.64 trillion
    South Korea: $1.63 trillion
    Russia: $1.48 trillion
    Brazil: $1.44 trillion
    Australia: $1.32 trillion
    Spain: $1.28 trillion
    Indonesia: $1.05 trillion

  8. It's always about the oil Emil.

    This fat piece of s*** general we have here in America Mark Millie was on video recently talking about we have to defend Ukraine's Freedom Ukraine has never been free once the Soviet Union broke up America and the West had control of it. America has done money laundering for decades in Ukraine. This dummy General went out there and talked about keeping America's place in the world as number one in the world that's what this conflict is about about America keeping its spot and it sees it losing to Russia China and India right now. So we want to stir the pot we want to stir the s*** and cause problems throughout the world to weaken Russia to Cripple Russia because that's the benefit of my country the United Snakes of America. By the way we are about to invade Haiti after 8 years of illegally invading Syria and illegally stealing syrias oil for 8 years and illegally dropping tens of thousands of bombs on Syria as well. How many bombs has Syria dropped on America? 0.

  9. The internationalist Greek shipping oligarchs must be raking it in. And, they will be allowed to do so inside the Empire of Lies. Jacky Kennedy was no dummy. When her husband got wacked she married one.

  10. Let me be the first to name a new term: suicide tanker. If Western ( USA and EU mainly) countries attempt to regulate Russian oil tankers transportation by force, don't be surprised if they 'accidentally' discharge their cargoes in the most harm-causing manner to nearest shoreline. After a few such unfortunate 'accidents' , l doubt there will be nuch policing of tankers going forward.

  11. The west is using this shadow services too. Not many of these weasels have the balls or strength to outright use their militaries to simply steal the oil, like the US in Syria so a little black market trade is no problem.

  12. My uncle left an old refrigerator in front of his house with a sign that said "FREE" until he got a complaint from the town, changed the sign to "$50" and it dissapeared 5 min after it got dark.

  13. If is payed for as a transaction then it's who (owns ) and who (pays for it !
    The right of ownership prevail.
    The ocean water is ( Free) all of it .
    The is no toll at sea !
    The greedy port structure and government always want witch is not really theirs or a piece of pie 🥧.
    Ask Germany they are becoming aware of the facts of leadership elect.

  14. **Russia will Enforce by MiLitary Escort**
    Much like Iran had to Do, MiLitariLy escorting 5 Supertankers to Venezuela across the Atlantic after having been trained by Russian Navy. The West observed but didn’t do anything as the Iranians had warned not to interfere.
    However, it was broadcasted over Google that US had seize Crude export heading for Venezuela. But that was a complete Lie cause the comments in UTube footage stated a BiG Thank You to Iran as the 3rd tanker Docked.


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