HUGE NEWS! – Overwatch 2 Reveal Finally Gives Answers

Huge blog post was released on setting expectations for the June 16th announcement to indicate it’ll be BIG! You don’t want to miss it. Let me know your guesses for what the event will include in the comments section down below!


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32 thoughts on “HUGE NEWS! – Overwatch 2 Reveal Finally Gives Answers”

  1. NGL I used to watch tidbits and pieces from Overwatch because I thought the lore and attention to detail was amazing in the game, despite being PvP only (I usually scorn any game with a PvP component). Even today, I'm still longing for an actual epic tale in which you can take the controls of every single hero in big maps where they had the opportunity to shine in the overall history of this uchronian futuristic world, like, telling some of their greatest achievements while casting light at the overall premise of this man-vs-machine paradigm. So far, my expectations have been undermined, to say the least, and Overwatch 2 really seems like a DLC, or an upgrade/update at best.

  2. Huge News:
    Blizzard said that they will announce something on the day they said they would announce stuff!
    You know. The day we got told almost a month ago where they wanted to tell us things!
    Incredible News. Truly a welcome surprise!

  3. I think something big regarding PvE is gonna be revealed. The the end of the post where they say "some may say it's time for a reckoning" definitely sounds like something a big baddie would say.

  4. Introducing crossplay is what killed the first game to begin with. I dont know what absolute moron thought that was a good idea but he needs to be fired. Cross play in pvp is NEVER fun or fair. One can have a blatant advantage over the other and its almost always pc. You have much better control of your character and aim. Naturally much faster reaction. Much faster and more reliable connection and less lag. Theres litterally no argument to be made for keeping cross platform. None. Cross platform between consoles maybe but with pc no. And before you say "just turn it off" alright. You turn it off. Then wait in que for 5 hours only to come to the realisation that your never acually going to find a game. Everyones too afraid of loosing que time to turn it off so naturally your required to use it.

  5. All I want is the release date for OW2. Basically the #1 question on everybody’s mind. If they don’t announce the release date this coming Thursday then there’s really no hope for the game. I’m sorry but that’s how I feel about it currently. We received too many backlash news from Blizzard already. I really hope they come through but at the same, I’m not holding my breath for em either.

    Edit: They just released the official date and more! My heart is pumping and been given life! Lol

    Let’s go!!

  6. OverWatch one and two are not worth playing Community still toxic you still have people throwing smurfing not worth it and the reporting system is a joke nothing happens to people smurfing and throwing the game you expect me to buy the same game for $60

  7. We have so much time to make up for. On the old release cycle we would have had by now:
    at least 10 new heroes, 14 new cinematics, 9 new maps, 26 new skins, at least 1-2 new missions, and any amount of events.

  8. if there isnt a persistent beta client within a week of the 16th then they need to take the stick out of their arses and give us something to fucking play. the live game is such a fucking mess due to the simple fact of there being a new game coming and no reason to care about the current one. ranked is by far the worst it have ever been and qp is just not fun. they should want us on the new client instead of spending money on ow1 servers. its fucking abhorrent.

  9. People are giving the OW team way to much shit for things outside of their control. You have to remember that both covid and massive management changes both happened mid development of OW2.
    on top of that, OW1 was unsustainable, the 5v5 format was probably the only way to go forward while still being able to create more exciting heros.
    with 5v5 being the focus, it would make no sense to release content for a game centered around 6v6. why drop sojurn then just rebalance her? why drop a game mode and maps that don't function with 6v6.

    I know the drought was frustrating but just looking at WHY it happened made is pretty clear. And yes I believe fundamentally, 6v6 was unsustainable and had no design room. why do you think we have 5 billion dps and 3 tanks and 2 supports? tanks and supports often had the most impactful abilities that, when comboed, become exceedingly strong. This limits how and what you can give a support or tank, where as dps often times do not have abilities that enable another ability, they are the recieveing end and often times just do damage as well as their basic abilities being less impactful overall, but still dealing damage. The way DPS's are designed and work in OW make them much easier to design, as opposed to tanks and supports who require much more delicate fine tuning as to not break them game.

  10. Here's the real negative outlook: "These are all the things we want to do. Look it's sooo much! And….. that's why the game won't release until 2023… Have fun with Overwatch 1 everyone!!"

  11. As someone who never got into overwatch except around 2017 (and than pubg came out) I am SOOO happy rn to be playing it. I'm even starting to make edits of games I play now because it just seems so fluid and is definitely filling the void that bungie has left me with destiny 2.


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