HUGE Damage Hero Role Passive BUFF! – Launch Day Overwatch 2 Changes!

Geoff Goodman is no longer the Lead Hero Designer for Overwatch 2. While it’s hard to gauge the reason for his departure and how much it tangibly affects Overwatch 2 and the future, in any case it’s likely we see a change in how heroes are designed into the future. There is a brand new patch for Overwatch 2 that you can expect to see in the Overwatch League Countdown Cup, but also come game release October 4th. The new patch reigns in Junkerqueen, tunes a lot of heroes but gives a MASSIVE DPS passive buff that I’m fairly sure will need tuning or adjustment.

00:00 Intro
00:43 Geoff Goodman Leaves Blizzard
03:10 Junkerqueen Nerfs
05:20 Overshield now grants 50% ult when damaged
07:30 ALL ROLES Retain up to 30% Ult on Hero Swap
09:15 NEW Insane Damage Role Passive!
10:39 Orisa Buffs
12:14 DVa Buffs
13:44 Brigitte Nerf
14:48 Baptiste Buff
15:22 Mercy Buffs
16:31 Bastion Buff
17:54 Reaper Buff
18:17 Sojourn Nerf
19:30 Sombra Buff

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20 thoughts on “HUGE Damage Hero Role Passive BUFF! – Launch Day Overwatch 2 Changes!”

  1. Can anyone confirm if, on Overwatch 2, you can limit your ranked play to only search for games with other console players? I don't mean Xbox-only or Playstation-only, but console-only. Looks to me that PC players will have more of an advantage in OW2 than they did in OW1.

    If we can't do console-only matches, but instead platform online, then I will be passing on OW2.

  2. Blizzard is too busy to respond to my ticket, so….Anyone know what will happen if I have different amounts of league tokens between my xbox and my pc when they add cross progression? Will they add my tokens together…or will I lose some on one of the platforms?

  3. I have a reasonable question.. why haven't they updated the anti-aliasing method to a better method like TAA or DLAA? or add newer graphic settings like Ray tracing to make the game look better if overwatch one wont be a thing anymore. any real answers? Or Aim Assist for PC Controller players?? why are simple things like these completely overlooked.

  4. I would find it more interesting if all heroes had the regen passive, but the tanks and dps has a weaker version, while all heroes that would be considered "heavy weight" would have the knockback passive, and no move speed passive or that new elimination passive. But this maybe would break some aspect of the game, so IDK 😛

  5. 2:30,…IDK bro I feel that is 100% of Jeff and Geoff, Brig is literally the reason the game died. She was the most OP thing like ever released in an FPS style video game like this. Literal silver players for 12 seasons got to see actual GM rank 1-tricking her. She is the reason the game lost all its COMPETITIVE INTEGRITY and that is simply the reason OW died.


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