HTC Vive Mars Camtrack – Virtual Production camera tracking for $5000?!

For this video, I recorded the full HTC Vive Mars Camtrack demo at NAB 2022!

Some features include: Genlock, sync, up to three tracked objects(cameras or otherwise), steamvr inside the Box( don’t have to have it on your computer), no need to set up an HMD or room scale, lens encoding (zoom, iris, focus), easy lens calibration and more!


12 thoughts on “HTC Vive Mars Camtrack – Virtual Production camera tracking for $5000?!”

  1. Great video Alex. I think something important to note is that while the demo showed a camera, a light, and positioning as being tracked, you could track 3 cameras. I have not come across another turn key system that does more than 1 camera and at 3x the cost. So in essence this is 3x less on the wallet, does 3x more, making it a 9x value. The ROI is a no brainer.

  2. Hello Alex, great video ! Do you think that is it possible to Connect multi pc to the htc mars ? Because I use unreal engine with multi user session with 3 pcs to send video on 3 wall led. Si i need to synch the tracker with all my pcs.


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