How will humanity colonize the solar system ? | Space DOCUMENTARY – Colonization of Space

🌍 Preparing the return of man to the Moon, his arrival on Mars, or even his installation on one of the billions of exoplanets in the Universe is the best way to restart the dream machine of a disillusioned humanity, which spends its time looking at the world through the small end of the spyglass. By extending our roots into space, we will finally understand that we are humans before we are Earthlings.

🔥 As a reminder, the videos are published on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY mornings at 7:00am.


– July 2011, last flight for the shuttle Atlantis. From now on, to get into the air, American astronauts will have to use the Soyuz shuttles of their historical enemy, Russia. This is difficult to swallow for all those who witnessed the first lunar steps of the late Neil Armstrong: “We no longer have stars in our eyes,” laments Frank Bruni, a journalist at the New York Times. There is no grand mission today that can represent our reserve of confidence and embody our willing spirit as space exploration once did.” Nasa’s astronaut contingent has dropped from 150 in 2001 to less than 60 today…

At best, these astronauts can hope to spend six months on board the International Space Station (ISS), a scientific laboratory in orbit 400 km from our planet. Moreover, NASA no longer speaks of “conquest” but of space “exploration”. This is a sign, among others, that the time has come for caution, after decades of presumptuous enthusiasm.

More seriously, the conquest of space has lost its glamour. At barely 50 years old, it already seems old-fashioned, at a time when faith in progress and in a radiant orbital future has been seriously eroded. Raised on the cult of “zero risk” and the precautionary principle, and fed on Angry Birds rather than futuristic pulps, Generation Y dreams of sprocket bikes more than interstellar cars.

However, a handful of young billionaires may well be re-launching humanity’s most ambitious project. The leader of the gang is called Elon Musk. Founder of the PayPal system, this thirty-year-old nostalgic of the Apollo years founded the SpaceX company to design a reusable rocket that would allow to divide by ten the price of a launch into space. His goal is Mars, where he hopes to send the first humans by 2040.

In the meantime, Musk has already made his mark with the successful launch of the first private rocket, Falcon 9, to refuel the International Space Station. Before, the young wolf made Nasa engineers smile. Since then, the same people have been wearing T-shirts with the WWED logo, which stands for “What would Elon do?” (“What would Elon do in this situation?”). Sensitive to Barack Obama’s desire to open space to private companies, other billionaires are following in Musk’s footsteps…

Source :

Sometime in The Future, the technology of space travel improved enough to allow moving personnel and materials off Earth on a large scale. At this point, humankind started Settling the Frontier in its own astronomical neighborhood. The most likely places for colonies to be established are on The Moon (which may be called Luna, for the same reason that Earth is often known as Planet Terra), Mars or both, though other planets, moons, dwarf planets and even asteroids within The Solar System are fair game for this trope.

In the not-so-far future, these colonies may consist of little more than mining operations or military outposts; in farther futures, these colonies may become part of galaxy-spanning empires centered on Earth. Making the environment more Earthlike, to the point where you don’t need a spacesuit or pressurized dome to breathe, tends to require some amount of Terraforming, unless Zeerust-flavored Artistic License can be invoked. In the latter case, the colonization effort may run up against indigenous aliens.

Off-Earth colonies may serve as a refuge from populations dislocated from Earth That Used to Be Better. They will also likely be the first targets of an Alien Invasion. If the colonies have enough resources and political willpower to potentially become independent of Earth, The War of Earthly Aggression may result.


🎬 On the agenda today:
00:00 – Introduction
00:30 – How to colonize the Moon
08:52 – How to colonize Mars
17:07 – How to colonize Venus
24:40 – How to colonize Mercury
32:29 – How to colonize Ceres
38:02 – How to colonize Jupiter
47:07 – How to colonize Saturn


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📢 A big thank you to all the authors, creators and artists mentioned in each of the videos!

Intro music:


48 thoughts on “How will humanity colonize the solar system ? | Space DOCUMENTARY – Colonization of Space”

  1. Okay, very nice and really interesting documentary, though I’m still curious on how Humanity will try to colonise Uranus, Neptune and even Dwarf Planets like Pluto, is there gonna be a part 2 to this video?

  2. You were not able to colonize the earth, you have been killing each other for over 8600 years for some absolutely aberrant reasons such as color, religion and nationality, although in the end you are all Humans… sorry, bipedal beings. Very few of you are what science or history calls "Homo Sapiens". You have no idea why you were born, what is the logic of the birth of a human being, why now and why here? Humans will never colonize more than graves , never the solar system or further planets . Why ? Because greed , hate , arogance and stupidity will not let humans to do it . And because humans are not ready for , they still act and think like a psychotic tribe , just like 8000 years ago . And also because there are 8000 scientifically proven facts why humans cannot survive nowhere outside Earth for more that 6 months without causing permanent brain injuries .

  3. Space colonization would change everything, once the first people are shown and said to live on mars or on of the other viable places in the solar system, and they do it with staggering success than the following generations on earth will grow up learning there is a colony on another world, I predict a lot more people will start becoming secular rather than religious. many generations later some religions or spiritual social structures will have formed new principles. And for the people born on mars… All they know is mars, they grow up learning about earth.
    In a relative short time of a few centuries, we'd have a succesful stellar economy where we use space stations in orbit of mars and between the planets to better study the contents of our solar system. We'd have learned a lot about mars, perhaps even if it had life or not. We'd be mining minerals and building spaceships in space from shipyards on or around the moon.
    We'd send vehicles to Jupiter and Europa, we'd drill into Europa to find water and hopefuly alien life in whatever form. We'd build defensive mechanisms to deal with asteroids.
    All operations in outer space should act under a single act and title, "United Earth Space Forces." We should avoid all conflict in outerspace between ourselves. Much more is to be gained if we do things faster, better and together. Surviving into outer space requires our cooperation as a species and not our egos which is often the main cause for most conflicts we have.
    Even within our solar system, we may develop spaec technologies and systems that will eventually allow us to reach the stars within an acceptable timeframe. Where we can send fleets of robots and even microcamera's to open up the void, Space itself is very funny, the universe in and off itself works entirely like a computer, it is mathematically so vast that our minds cannot compute it. Yet, we can logically, mathematically project thousands of light lightyears and show them on a computer… We have universe simulators that are ultra huge and work according to all known laws of physics. All the laws that work in reality, in the universe is technology, machines use math to work and do what they do. they are technology, computer, math, logic, patterns, shapes, forms, objects. finite, The universe simulates the computer and the computer in turn is capable of simulating many aspects of the universe. That is the loop of our often, binary reality.
    Reality is also the self and what we experience is our own tissue. What our senses tell us and so on, entirely unique, you could like the same flavour I do, but have a completely different experience of it. Because your body works slightly different than mine. Your brain is not my brain. Reality, the cosmos, the universe, at all scales, day in day out is a matrix…When you walk from office building to car, you enter matrix after matrix. A set of rules that dictate how you function. You think you are free? You are only free in doing what nature often orders you to do.
    When you go out to find a sexual partner or anything other, All chemical molecules, signalling, information, internal chatter, autonomous, like a ticking clock, the nature of the beast, the depths of your stomach, the hunger, daily predation, the need and egotistical wants and needs. Rule after rule, law after law, script after script written by operators we cannot have in mind.
    We call it god, fate, reality, humanity, It's all humanity. We are humans. So that is our name, but it means it implies all traits of physical nature and any other nature that is operating here under a roose, A truth we cannot measure, a thing, our ego's aren't prepared to meet…

  4. How about a fusion-powered plasma pulse propulsion system? We could use existing fusion technology. We can't yet make fusion power yet but we probably have enough knowledge to make plasma bombs using our fusion technology. The plasma bombs could be exploded behind a pressure plate and provide thrust greater than chemical or solid propellant rockets. Maybe we get as fast as 2% of the speed of light! How about Mars in 2 weeks or the exoplanet Proxima Centauri B in about 11 years!

  5. I believe that some degree of human genetic modification will be a vital part of colonisation on Mars or in space.
    Humans need to have a resistance to radiation damage, and the bone and muscle loss that comes from low gravity environments.
    These genetic modifications would also have other applications, like cancer treatment, osteoporosis and muscle wasting diseases.
    With some GM and optional bionics, (or artificial biological implants) like breathing augmentations and synthetic skin that can endure external exposure, people may be able to survive an alien planet comfortably with less risk and fewer health issues.
    Being engineered to be able to enter into a state of hibernation, potentially staying in a state of torpor for months on minimal life support, would make long distance travel more viable.
    Humans, as we are now, are unsuitable for long term space or interplanetary stays, we’re too delicate for the environments beyond Earth … temperate, sea level Earth that isn’t too hot or cold.
    To thrive in an alien environment, we must adapt to it rather than dream about terraforming a whole other planet to match our current biological needs.
    Natural selection is too slow and random … we would have to see a lot of the very small population of colonists die off before ‘survival of the fittest’ provided any tangible advantages and some bionics (or extremely ergonomic and integrated technology) would still be needed.
    If there was widespread acceptance of bolstering the human body, then decent human populations would be possible and with an economic or cultural incentive (such as asteroid mining, scientific discoveries or massive industrial opportunities), those self sustaining populations would likely be getting a regular influx of genetic diversity.
    I would be willing to live in an O’Neil cylinder orbiting Ceres … to be part of ushering in the next iteration of the human race.
    The humans for whom the ‘natural’ habitat is beyond the safe biosphere of Earth.

  6. No, relocate industry to the red planet while the moon becomes both a transport hub and fuel refinery. Earth can prioritize enviromental/humanitarian needs while supplying the system with its superior food production. Runaway greenhouse emissions though constantly outgassing due to the lack of a magnetosphere can raise temperatures enough to make water more abondant.

  7. humans are to stupid to colonize any other world…if humans are so smart how come humans have not colonized the moon or built more advanced space craft that actually leave the earth and not just circle the earth and come back down….

  8. well we never fly faster or near lightspeed.. therefore we never leag our solar system + there is only one planet here that we can live on. Equals…. Science Fiction is great for Movies… but lame in reality

  9. Humans could not have survived on Earth if suddenly set back only 70 million years ago – how do we think we can do this on another world, even in an artificial environment?
    Sorry folks, we are of the Earth, and here we will stay.

  10. Why? It would take hundreds of years, trillions of dollars to have Colonies in our solar system. There is no where to have a viable, realistic colony. How about invest in the development of exotic propulsion technologies to explore/ colonize other Planets?

  11. You're going to have to bring more than human beings up there! Plants animals microbial life come on man you know that we are a symbiotic species that must take our symbiotic relationships along with us, just remember that a tree can live billions of years without man but a man cannot live 5 minutes without a tree.

  12. A big problems staying for long periods on the likes Jupiter's moons and Ceres is low G and its affect on people – so don't do it. Why not use a rotating station to replicate 1G and 'commute'. If these locations are rich in potential fuel the commuting shouldn't be a major issue compared to extended periods in low G. Of course this is a long way off, but that's what this vid is all about.

  13. SpaceX is already funded and we'll have a Starship landing on Mars within just a few years. I'm pretty sure that they will also be able to make it to Phobos to study the moon and monolith one other thing was that Deimos orbits the opposite direction as Phobos around the planet.I met Elon Musk in 2000 and we discussed many of these ideas. There isn't a smarter business developer or CEO that has done what Elon has done with Tesla or SpaceX. Elon is even building multiple Starships for the consideration of commercial space exploration and colonization. Some people think they are smarter than Elon but I have yet to see anyone outsmart him. Using methane and oxygen, also known as ultra cool methylox for his Starship Rockets was brilliant considering most planets we will land on will have the ingredients to propel the Starships further out of our solar system and back. Of course the use of helium 3 in a nuclear fusion rocket would take us to the depths of our solar system and further a lot faster. Over the period of a few years he can realign him self back in the winning seat because he's already aware of the steps he has to take and he's already making them! Elon Musk is making the world cleaner and better place to live for many generations to come. I don't know if you could say the same for the fossil fuel industry! Even though the businesses we talked about we're going to be incredibly difficult to become successful at, there was a good chance of success! That's why we talked about ways of reducing advertising, manufacturing and distribution costs. Elon was going to move forward regardless, he said they were all good ideas and should be done. We even talked about ways of slingshotting your initial business by becoming your own best supplier. This eliminates being controlled by your suppliers. Innovative people with integrity expect to be believed otherwise they let time prove them right. So let's shoot for the Moon and Mars, then we will live amongst the Stars!

  14. Of course humans will "colonize" the solar system. Why should people stay on earth? It is much too easy to survive here. So let's go to some place where it is much harder to survive. Humans are so very intelligent.


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