How We All Got Scammed By A 2004 Game….

I knew it wasnt going to be amazing, but were we really just that entertained by the bare minimum back in the day that easily!?

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19 thoughts on “How We All Got Scammed By A 2004 Game….”

  1. And people need to stop with the “it’s fixed” videos just because the added a server. They will need to patch the hell out of it before it’s even close to being fixed!

  2. Dude how did you even get scammed for buying this game you knew it was a 2004 game and it still has the graphics from then also just slightly polished stop posting click bait
    Also it's a setting for the aiming to have aim assist again misinformation because your just talking shit.

  3. you know you can get this game already lol
    idk how they managed to release this game for PC… again and some how in a worse state
    i play conquest relatively often but it does get sorta boring
    if battlefront 2016 had a conquest mode…. i'd fall in love with that game all over again
    also im pretty sure its always been free aim lol
    if you're playing something like hero assault you need it to be free aim so you don't get slowed down looking at a far away enemy and can turn on a dime
    and believe it or not
    the holding in place part is something that has existed since the original
    for some reason when your character does the stand up animation it has always just kinda lingered in that spot till it allows you to move
    the ticket part is because of the default setting always being 150 per side lol


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