How UK NATO reforms can help Ukraine beat Putin | Air Marshall Ed Stringer

“No, there isn’t enough money unless we reform and simplify.”

Government must make military funding and planning more efficient to be able to defend against threats like Russia, says Former Director General Joint Force Development Ed Stringer.

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21 thoughts on “How UK NATO reforms can help Ukraine beat Putin | Air Marshall Ed Stringer”

  1. Great interview very insightful. It would be great if you could get more with the gentlemen.

    terrible thing war wish we could avoid it but there is a clear axis of evil emerging and we are not ready

  2. Putin will eventually get beaten but his aims to dominate the whole of Eastern Europe will be simply slowed. He will not stop and when he’s taken the Slavic areas what happens further West? Not to mention the horrendous personal tragedies and displaced people.

  3. That's nice. We could also declare war on Russia and fight with them. Of course, as all the experts agree that Russia is absolutely wrong and evil, it might be best to sit on our hands some more.

  4. Ukraine shouldn’t have to beg for weapons if the west wants Ukraine to win we should be shoveling weapons down their throat it’s painful to watch makes me doubt do we really want them to win or just weaken Russia

  5. Now that I think about it, is that why we (the US) spent all those extra years in the Middle East with it’s coalition, to upgrade, modernize & train NATO etc. knowing they were woefully prepared then. Putin did start this is in 2014. Staying keeps America’s military strong and closer to the east as a shield so they can’t get there stuff together?


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