How to Write a Strong World Eaters Army List – Warhammer 40K Tactics

Let’s talk army list construction for Codex World Eaters…

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0:00 Intro
1:27 Major Army Decisions
5:25 Unit Balance
10:27 Army List 1
12:55 Army List 2
14:09 Army List 3
15:11 Outro


34 thoughts on “How to Write a Strong World Eaters Army List – Warhammer 40K Tactics”

  1. Without opening the vid I can tell you all, take:
    – New released khorne berserkers
    – New released 8 bound
    – New released invocatus
    – New released Angron

    Spam these where possible.
    Fill out points with best stuff remaining

    40k list building in a nutshell

  2. Appreciate a presentation like this. Bummed the Combat Patrol isn't out and now looking at price increases. Agree with another comment made that something weird is going on with pre-orders. In another case when the pre-orders ended the availability dropped to zero.

  3. I would make a "daemonkin" army for fun like this :
    – Angron (360 pts)
    – Lord on Juggernaut (125 pts)
    – 2 x 5 Eightbounds (2 x 200 pts)
    – 1 x 3 Eightbounds (135 pts)
    – Bloodthirster with great axe and the 8 wounds cap lock (360 pts)
    – Skulltaker (110 pts)
    – 1 x 10 Bloodletters (130 pts)
    – 1 x 5 Bloodcrushers (200 pts)
    – 1 x 5 Flesh Hounds (75 pts)
    – 1 Skulcannon (90 pts) (or maybe Karanak for the same points as Skulltaker doesn't take HQ slot as an Herald)

    1985 pts of pure blootletting frenzy straight in your face

  4. I think a Dreadclaw has a lot of play with the World Eaters as you an bring down a 10 man squad of berzerkers turn 1 do the 3d6 charge. Most likely they will kill what they charge then the opponent has to deal with a 10 man unit of berzerkers in their deployment zone that if shot can move towards you, Can 6 inch heroic and can fight on death if charged

  5. I'm making my World Eaters semi-elite and focusing on blazing speed:
    – Angron 16"
    – Dreadblade Knight Rampager 12"
    – Lord Invocatus 12"
    – 2×5 Eightbound 11" with Invo buff
    – 2×5 Zerks in Rhino 12"
    – Winged Daemon Prince 12"
    – 5×1 Chaos Spawn
    Hoping to use raw speed with charge buffs to stampede across the board and get optimal positioning while the Chaos Spawn and Zerk Battle Bus camp objectives or die for BTP.

  6. I think your fairly close there yeah, I do like hellbrutes for 110pts fist at dmg 3, multi melta and now with invo an 8" move means t2 they is in threat range of a lot of stuff that also reduce dmg by 1 and give 2 blood tithe on death, also will help out with our lack on anti vechile / monster. I'm also a fan of kharn, again dm3 wich is something outside a 2cp strat we lack, and the rr1s to wound aura is very nice especially on units like hellbrutes using there meltas, my list idea atm is invo, dp, kharn, big movement, re rolling 1s for hits and wounds, just really helps shore up back rolling especially when we can get to hitting on 2s. Cant wait to see what lists people run 🙂

  7. I think building an army on the back of Eightbound is just a bad idea all the way down. First, I am beginning to not like eightbound after the 4 games I have played thus far of the new codex because they are just paper thin. Unless you are taking Invocatus and you charge them turn 1 into the enemy, I am not personally finding great success with them.

    Second, sure: They may be good right now and I might just be using them wrong. However, after the post-release FAQ I can just about guarantee any power they do have is going to be gutted. Its a trap James does all too often, and it seems to work every single time they do it. People buy 3 of the newest unit in a codex just to then find out in the FAQ they've been nerfed into obscurity.

  8. I saw a battle report that ran 3x Helbrutes for some guns which helped get additional bloodtithe points in the shooting phase. They seemed to really appreciate the fire support.

    For consideration

  9. The three individual Spawn seems like such good tech for the army that I'd lean towards auto-including them and just assuming that as a constraint for the rest of the list

  10. My Comp List

    Angron – 330
    Lord Invo – 160

    Troops – 720
    Zerkers x5 fully kitted no plasma 120

    Zerkers x5 fully kitted no plasma 120

    Zerkers x5 fully kitted no plasma 120

    Zerkers x5 fully kitted no plasma 120
    Zerkers x5 fully kitted no plasma 120
    Zerkers x5 fully kitted no plasma 120

    Rhino x3 with extra combi-bolter each – 255

    Fast attack – 75
    Chaos Spawn – 25
    Chaos Spawn – 25
    Chaos Spawn – 25

    Elites: 330
    Helbrute w/ Multi-melta & fist – 110
    Helbrute w/ Multi-melta & fist – 110
    Helbrute w/ Multi-melta & fist – 110

    Heavy Support: 130
    Predator Annihilator: 130

    Total BTPs in units – 18
    Total BTPs in characters – 2
    Total BTPs in vehicles – 7

    Avg 20 BTP's by end of game from own units (likely double overall from stuff killed), ideally saving for 2 angron revivals maximum and the rest for the major army buffs on zerkers.

    — List Logic From top to Bottom —

    Angron is good, but he's amazing in reserve as a mid-late game threat. I will always reserve him to make him a threat on the flanks – ideally saving the entrance for having a +1 to charge for the 8 inch pinball machine through their army if they misplay their movement at all. This allows for the bulk of the army to be able to focus the middle of the field which increases the effectiveness of a melee army to have 1 lane of attack.

    Lord Invo is also good, in that he counters WE's biggest weakness…flyers. Sure, there aren't many in the game, but having someone who can turn off invulns and bounce around the board and give +2 inch move to 2 squads of zerkers out of a rhino for 11 inches out of a rhino seems too good to pass up. Him as your warlord is a red herring IMHO, because some armies are really good at melee and you'll bounce off of them at the beginning of the game with him and 2 max squads of bloodbound. Overall, I think the strategy is neat, but not competitive because it's not doing what you need in a comp game which is *playing to the objectives*.

    Zerkers are amazing now IMO. They're anti elite/infantry, but for 6 BTP's they're suddenly anti T8 as well. Stuffing them into Rhinos to hide and countercharge and such is just so powerful while even having them discourage light arms fire against them with their new rule while sticking to terrain is just amazing.

    Rhino x3 to get your zerkers where you need, and double combi's cause extra points available and to clear screens that will inevitably stop your zerkers from getting where they want to be.

    Chaos Spawn x3 because BTP and amazing units to hide and puppyguard and hold obj's that your main threats have cleared up. They also don't die very easily to STR 4 anti-infantry guns being T5 and 4 wounds and all. I've had more luck keeping 1 chaos spawn alive to 5 SM's with bolters for some reason than cultists.

    x3 Helbrutes & Annihilator are lumped together for 1 reason – You need something to get you BTP's in shooting. Phase cap enemies will ruin you with no shooting, and just having the ability to knock out an enemy leman russ per round is incredibly useful.. not to mention the annihilator can be sitting on your back-field obj pretty much all game with a chaos spawn screening a cheeky deepstrike behind him or just getting sniped. The Vindicator would of course be better here but that isn't an option sadly. Helbrutes are FANTASTIC in World Eaters. Core vehicles that are tanky and can bully every type of enemy is super useful… they're strength 8 (with x2 so str 16) because of the WE trait people, that's 2's to wound on KNIGHTS with 4 BTP to be -4 AP! That's HUGE. Also 6 inch heroic intervention on those helbrutes and lord invo boosts 2 of them to speed 8" (FOR KHORNE).

    — Why no Eightbound or Jakhals? —

    Eightbound are good, there's certainly a list or 2 for them out there, but partially cause I'm not spending $120 a squad to max 3 squads for $360. Fundamentally, they're too expensive IRL and IG they're too squishy for what they do. I would much rather take exalted Eightbound for the 4++ to have a beatstick unit personally.. Eightbound's best ability I'd say is bloodscent to cap OBJ's if you get 1st turn easily, but idk… ultimately I think in order for eightbound/exalted eightbound to work – you need to do Disciples which has worse strategems since it makes them obsec which is huge in competitive as well. One single cultist just steps on your obj you just slaughtered everyone off of and you lose the OBJ. It's super disheartening when it happens, and it happens a LOT to non-obsec units.

    Jakhals, IMO, should be 5 PPM and have a cost-varied loadout. . so you can run them super cheap to hold objectives or you can run them more killy. Them being right in the middle of "I can kill stuff but not everything" lends to them being too valuable to ignore and too expensive to get for just BTP's when chaos spawn exists. 1 squad of these runs you 3 times less BTP's than 3 chaos spawn and they will fall over to a volley of bolter fire like nobody's business then run away due to failed morale. They can't even have a blob of 20 and reform on another location if I'm not mistaken as WE don't have that strategem. They're a cool model, they're just not worth it if you ask me.


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