How To Use 5.56 In Patch 0.14!

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Ammo/Penetration Chart credit to NoFoodAfterMidnight

00:00:00 Ammo
00:04:01 Weapons

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42 thoughts on “How To Use 5.56 In Patch 0.14!”

  1. I’m sure that you’re aware but one of things I noticed this wipe is the moe stock taking a huge recoil nerf, and I think that meta builds will have to finally truly choose between recoil and ergo. I realize before that to truly max out recoil you had to give up ergo, but you could have the ergo before only giving up a few points of recoil, now there will truly be a choice

  2. Sost is great and I've used it to carry me to 856A1, but now I run HP, thinking of going to warmage as I'm used to pelvic girdle shooting. I run every 5th a tracer and bottom 10 tracer with the new mag presets and is awesome on conserving good ammo as tracer A1 is normally sufficient. Before this wipe I always ran bottom 10 tracer on all my mags.

  3. ngl, 5.56 is completely dead until late wipe. Most people aren’t gonna craft SOST, and there’s just no reason to use it. CBJ is still available on the flea market, 6.8 is easily available, M80 is still purchasable from traders, .45 ACP AP is on traders. I could go on but you get the point

  4. Could you make a video about the recent changes to headsets? Pestily mentioned the changes on his stream and several people in chat had no idea (including myself). I feel like people might consider playing a little more aggressive if they'd known (also including myself lmfao).

  5. Currently have an Aug w a mini monster and a Tac30 on it. I'm only level 13 and I've had it for 4 raids and 5 USEC kills but im almost out of 855. I'm sure I'll lose it from a 7mm buck scav tonight anyway so I shouldn't worry 😂

  6. Been using the aug this whole wipe, super cheap and great recoil but i was buying the sost for 900 roubles each, i cant believe i never checked for a craft, 400 roubles each from crafting is insanely good

  7. Have they made recoil numbers comparable across weapons that shoot the same ammo type? I know this wasn't a thing in the past but this is the second or third time I've heard someone comparing the recoil stat numbers.

  8. @Gigabeef someone made a video claiming that no foregrip on the AUG has better recoil than without, and that this also effects some earlier guns like the AK74U. This is a bit worrying as it feeds in to the 'recoil is so good this wipe' – as we've all been using our un-modded unforegripped weapons until now and are going to be hit with a reality shock if the good recoil is due to a bug!

  9. Hey Gigabeef. Thank you for your work. With over 3k hours I still watch your videos. Very informative and well edited videos.
    I have an idea for a video. On a subject that I've never seen a content creator do.
    "Simply" which quests/questlines that are optimal for pvp-oriented players without focus on kappa or lightkeeper.
    Take care.

  10. This is really cool in theory because now you can't just buy armor piercing anymore, since due to the social collapse in Tarkov, it's supposed to not be available to the public. But, in reality, it f'ing sucks because all chads are already running amok with lvl 5 plates and armor piercing rounds while the rest of us are stuck with crappy ammo.

  11. Are the recoil numbers for different guns comparable now? If I recall correctly before they didn't have much meaning because they were relative to each weapon, 50 recoil on an AK would be much different to 50 recoil on a AR and so on.

  12. Your videos are very good, I always watch your videos to learn something more.
    Giga, I always liked using SNB, I practically only use it.
    Now with this update 0.14, from what I noticed it became much more difficult to do it, I wanted to know the logic of the TARKOV producers, in doing these antics of making this kind of thing difficult, what is the logic of that? If you could make a video talking about the 7.62×54 ammunition, what is the advantage, which one is best to use in this wipe, if you could give me some tips about these ammunition, I really like the SVD. Big hug and success to you. 💯👍

  13. My 545 and 556 feel worthless rn, so many gunfights ive had where i land half a mag to thorax and then i get aimpunched and die by headshot everyyyy time, i feel like im the only one getting aimpunched lmao

  14. Good video.

    Long text ahead, TLDR: Workbench 2 takes long to acquire (check flea market prices for upgrade materials to get a feel for item scarcity), 556 is not really useful early game (due to ammo constraints). It would be lovely if BSG expanded on side-quests to unlock Vendor items earlier (like bigger backpacks from LL1) and on Hideout options on early levels – including alternative craft recipes, like substituting Insulating Tape for Duct Tape when crafting Scav Backpacks for instance.

    One comment on the 556 ammo portion in the early to mid-game is that Workbench lvl 2 is an actual slog to acquire with 3x toolsets (which you need for many hideout upgrades, quests and barters) and 2x Electric Drills. I don't know if I'm just unlucky, but so far I've only found like 6 toolsets and 1 electric drill in a total of over 50 raids – and to no surprise I didn't survive all the time. I've been mostly on Customs and Ground Zero (due to quests), but also upwards of 10 raids on both Woods and Interchange (mainly to run OLI) and a few Shoreline.
    Considering prices on the Flea with Toolsets going for around 90k and Electric Drills going for around 50-70k… it's really expensive to acquire through the Flea market.
    And before you get it 556 is limited to what you find in-raid or really bad ammo.

    I don't know if it's new to this wipe (I've been out of the game for nearly 2 years) but some traders have the same items for sale for different prices, like Skier having two versions of ADARs which are identical in item but one is near half the price of the other. I don't know if this is a faction bonus for being USEC, but if it is, I would love if BSG made it possible for USEC to unlock something like the FMJ ammo for Peacekeeper LL1 after completing some quest.

    In general I feel like the game first "begins" around LL2 – aka level 20. This is where you might have access to a reasonable amount of body armor, vests, and especially backpacks and medication. I would love to see BSG work more on making the early game more flexible, so you can aim to complete unlock vender item quests to get early access to some items so it doesn't feel like such a slog, where ideally you should just grind EXP to get up to LL2 ASAP (and also to get access to the Flea Market as this is where the big money is at, which can easily be used to buy and sell items in bulk to satisfy the money requirement).
    And the distance between LL2 and LL3 is generally a lot "shorter" than LL1 to LL2. Lets take Peacekeeper for instance; while the EXP amount needed to reach LL3 is almost double the amount needed to reach LL2, you have more readily access to body armor, medications, and better quality guns with modifications that secures a higher survival rate – at least this is the experience I generally have during a wipe. It starts out terrible and once I get the machine running, which usually happens around lvl 20/LL2, I start improving my lifetime survival rate from somewhere around 20% to 30-40%. This significantly boosts experience gain per raid and I can more readily engage with PMCs and Scavs. The slog is felt mostly from LL1 to LL2 and I wish BSG would make some changes to make this less so. Just imagine a quest to unlock an MBSS on Peacekeeper for dollar on LL1 and on Ragman to acquire the blue 3×4 rucksack. These would be optional side-quests so those who don't care and just power on through can do that, but those who find the span between LL1 and LL2 painfully long can find some respite that doesn't keep them in the dirt for as long.

    Another thing that would greatly help the experience of the early game is to make alternative crafting recipes in the Hideout. Like the Lavatory lvl 1 can craft Scav Backpacks for 1x Cordura and 1x Insulating Tape. Why not be able to substitute the tape for Duct Tape? Or the Cordura for Aramid? Why not have more options so the player can feel good about engaging in the Hideout building and possibly make more use out of the loot you can find in-raid?
    The more flexible and expanded you make the Hideout, especially for the early levels, the less painful the lower end players will find the game. And most players will ignore these options once they get access to better gear through upgraded Hideout levels or from Vendors. The lack of options only serves to keep low end players down.


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